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Cultural differences

Sammy45​(sub female)
4 years ago • Aug 4, 2020

Cultural differences

Sammy45​(sub female) • Aug 4, 2020
Evening everyone
I wanted to ask you all about cultural differences in Ds and Cultural differences in chat

As we know this site has members from all over the world

We have old school Doms and subs who were involved pre internet explosions

We have folk who have online relationships only

So the world is truly your oyster whatever you are seeking

My question is are there cultural differences across the lifestyle

Do we use the same language and terminology when we are talking about Ds and our experiences , yes we will always have everyday language that’s different eg crisps in UK , chips in USA

Do we used the same approaches , manners and etiquette .... sadly my experiences are very mixed particularly in how I am approached , when is it ever polite to correct someone’s spelling after a few messages

I would love to hear your views or experiences
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tallslenderguy​(other male)
4 years ago • Aug 4, 2020
"... sadly my experiences are very mixed particularly in how I am approached , when is it ever polite to correct someone’s spelling after a few messages "

Ah, wow, i'm sorry you encountered that. i think some confuse petty with superior.

i too am interested to see differences. i watch a lot of foreign, independent movies and love how they can give me a taste of different cultures. Not quite as good as travel, but i think it can be educational.
Cello Master​(dom male)
4 years ago • Aug 4, 2020
Cello Master​(dom male) • Aug 4, 2020
I hang out a lot in chat and I haven’t noticed any problems. Of course everybody speaks English there..More importantly, I think we all share the same spiritual language. I see this lifestyle as a deeply spiritual one even more than the physical. That to me is the connection. The terminology that we use and the age differences are very very very small in my opinion. Our spiritual connection is what is key
Aquarius Dom​(dom male)
4 years ago • Aug 4, 2020
Aquarius Dom​(dom male) • Aug 4, 2020
I have little experience of users from other nations ! But to me correcting someone else’s spelling always seems a little pedantic! Yes a correctly spelt and worded message is to be hoped for to avoid confusion, but surely as long as the meaning of the message is understood, does it really matter ?
After all English may not be the writers or readers first language!

Pedants of the world untie !!!!
MissBonnie​(dom female){oz}Verified Account
4 years ago • Aug 4, 2020
MissBonnie​(dom female){oz}Verified Account • Aug 4, 2020
I have used the chat here in the earlier site days and didn't find any problem. I enjoyed my time in chat here. I do use a lot of multicultural chats for Femdom related matters too on other sites. I haven't noticed a great deal of difference once you get past the language difference. I have noticed a few differences in culture but nothing that you cant get past (or at least that I cant, I cant speak for all). I have also noticed with Femdom, some kinks/fetishes are often linked to culture and locationbut thats another topic!

Most differences in my experience, come down to a mixed of culture and type of BDSM practiced. Occasionally Maledom and Femdom can clash, more so than mixed BDSM in, hmmmm...a women's "place" in society/play/role, which is fine as the approach, technique and style is very different, more so than just simply reversed. I do find the differences interesting and for the most part they are easily over come with basic manners. Manners and respect of difference work in most situations, if there is a difference at all. "Difference" doesn't have to mean you cant get along!