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How do people like to be approached?

Miki​(masochist female)
3 years ago • Aug 12, 2021
Miki​(masochist female) • Aug 12, 2021
I don't mind if someone messages me out of the blue. Yes my profile is "pre-emptively curt" but that's to save me the trouble of having to repeat that while I welcome all messages and I reply to all, when I see them, I don't want to go beyond just that.

People can ask me anything. There's no "right or wrong"-- If it's something a bit dicey I say so, as politely and considerately as possible.

Other than that, I'm far more "approachable" in a place like this than I am in the brick-and-mortar world.


@ O. P. I'm often curious myself as to what people find all that swell about my profile. It's not particularly sweet and gooey. I like it when people just want to have conversation.
Sweet Ginger​(sub female){}
3 years ago • Aug 12, 2021
I like when someone contacts me about something I wrote in my profile or blog. This makes me feel like they took the time and interest to read it. I don't like messages that sound like they are sent out to everyone. I'm more intrigued by a message someone sends that is honest, upfront and sounds like they put even a little thought into it. Just be yourself! I like when someone contacts me tells me a little about themselves and what drew them to my profile.
SweetSirRendering​(sub female)
3 years ago • Aug 12, 2021
i make friends on this site by first getting to know people comfortable communicating interest in my friendship in the public comments and chat. i feel anyone worth knowing more intimately are also those that build friendships first, speak openly and directly, and know what they want. my mail and bond are always blocked to new contacts. i reach out when i decide a person has qualities i look for in a closer relationship which can lead to friendship rather than remaining simply acquaintances.
Richlydefined​(sub female){Gardener}
3 years ago • Aug 13, 2021
I actively invite people to talk to me in my profile. If they actually read anything in there it's usually apparent very quickly. I enjoy people in general and prefer that people approach me as a person first. Sadly, more often than not I get people who approach me with some sort of image they perceive about me in their mind and I'm left disappointed by the majority of my interactions with them because of it. I would rather just let things flow naturally even if the interaction soon drops off and nothing comes of it but I'm a very 'take it as it comes' type of person. I try to go into everything with little to no expectation of outcomes and I tend to get along best with people who have the same approach.
Island girl​(sub female){Yes owned.}
3 years ago • Aug 13, 2021
I don't have a lot of time and I'm rarely on these days. People who say "hi there", might get a hi back, probably not.

People asking for pics get nothing.

People who comment on my messages or profile will certainly get more if I have the time, and it's likely to be a month or two later...

I guess what it comes down to is if someone is willing to take the time to read what I've already written on this site and then write to me, well, that deserves a response as long as it doesn't go against my Master's wishes.
Noire{Owned (NH)}
3 years ago • Aug 14, 2021
Noire{Owned (NH)} • Aug 14, 2021
Such a wonderful question! :3

Personally, I like the start of a conversation to feel light. Just two people exchanging friendly banter about common interests. Brownie points if they can make me laugh. Anything sexual or kink related is frowned upon right away. I like to take my time and experience people through their “seasons.” Which can be off putting for those who aren’t interested in a connection deeper then the surface.
salutexlovely​(sub female){{Owned}}
3 years ago • Aug 14, 2021
I value a connection that is unrelated to kink.
" I see you read a lot of Stephen King , me too! Have you read the Outsiders? "
" I appreciate photography too , what do you prefer to use for backdrops in portraits? "
"Catch the game last night? Httr?"
Definitley will not message first , I am not aggressive enough.
3 years ago • Aug 14, 2021
JustGreenie{Collared} • Aug 14, 2021
I have boldly invited people to talk to me via my profile. I also list my interests so they are able to connect with me one way or another. I would prefer they start with a light banter and slowly work more into the more defining topics. I am not a fan of the daft one line messages of “what are you into?” Or “how can I win you over”.

I love creating new friendships here on Cage, intelligent conversation is very important to me. I guess that is the Sapio in me. Oh well.

Love the question and the many well written responses.
Miki​(masochist female)
3 years ago • Aug 16, 2021
Miki​(masochist female) • Aug 16, 2021
Sweet Ginger wrote:
I like when someone contacts me about something I wrote in my profile or blog. This makes me feel like they took the time and interest to read it. I don't like messages that sound like they are sent out to everyone. I'm more intrigued by a message someone sends that is honest, upfront and sounds like they put even a little thought into it. Just be yourself! I like when someone contacts me tells me a little about themselves and what drew them to my profile.

Aww don't like the boiler-plate brutes?

You know,

Kinda goes like this:


"Hi, (insert name of recipient here) I'm (insert your name here) and I wanted to drop you a Hello note..."

These forms come in packages for every occasion... with instructions!!!

(Fill in appropriate blanks and send to as many targets as you like. Follow each recipient name with a semicolon.)

Copyright 2021, Dial-a-Dom, Inc. All rights reserved
Lady Char​(sub female)
3 years ago • Aug 17, 2021
Lady Char​(sub female) • Aug 17, 2021
One thing I really dislike in opening messages is pet names. We haven't met, we don't know each other, and so sweetheart, baby girl, little girl, submissive are not appropriate ways to title me.

What I also dislike (and I'm prepared to receive criticism on this because yes, I do have a few pictures) are openings that compliment me based on my appearance. I do have some fairly explicit pictures, but I also have poetry in my profile and show an interest in rope work, I talk about my love of writing. I am looking for someone who's less interested in my big tits and more in my mind. That's just a personal preference, but it's a big turn off.