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Violent and taboo fantasies causing guilt trips + is it totally legal to fantasize?

Shaynna​(dom female)
2 years ago • Feb 6, 2022

Violent and taboo fantasies causing guilt trips + is it tota

Shaynna​(dom female) • Feb 6, 2022
Hi there. i was sure in which section to put this post and I ended up deciding on this one.

I have several violent and taboo fantasies that I would never do in real life and that I'm against people doing it in real life. I don't even watch porn of it.

I often feel guilty about it especially after having an orgasm because I start thinking about all the people out there that are abused for real, which brings them pain and trauma, and psychological problems, and here I am, getting excited and feeling pleasure from imagining someone doing those things to me.

Does anyone else feel the same? If so, how do you deal with it?

Also, since I started exploring being a little, I wonder if talking about fantasies and doing role-play of them on the internet is legal, purely written text between people of legal age, without any sort of images being shared and without involving other real people on it.

Thank you for your attention.
MisterAshmodai​(dom male)
2 years ago • Feb 6, 2022
MisterAshmodai​(dom male) • Feb 6, 2022
Many of us have dark and taboo fantasies. There is nothing wrong with that.

One cannot help what appeals to them. If something turns you on and you imagine it being done to yourself, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.
If it turns you on to imagine it being done to someone else without their consent, you are entering into what could be a murky moral ground, but as long as you are not acting on anything in a way that harms another without consent, the only real harm would come from any detrimental effect it has on you.

As far as the legality of fantasy online or otherwise via communication, there is nothing illegal about it. Unless there is an act or non consenting situation, you are not doing anything illegal.
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Shaynna​(dom female)
2 years ago • Feb 6, 2022
Shaynna​(dom female) • Feb 6, 2022
MisterAshmodai wrote:
Many of us have dark and taboo fantasies. There is nothing wrong with that.

One cannot help what appeals to them. If something turns you on and you imagine it being done to yourself, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.
If it turns you on to imagine it being done to someone else without their consent, you are entering into what could be a murky moral ground, but as long as you are not acting on anything in a way that harms another without consent, the only real harm would come from any detrimental effect it has on you.

As far as the legality of fantasy online or otherwise via communication, there is nothing illegal about it. Unless there is an act or non consenting situation, you are not doing anything illegal.

It only turns me on when it's consensual from the other part, non-consensual it's only when I'm the one on the receiving end ^^

I feel relieved from knowing that it's not illegal.
Thank you for your reply icon_smile.gif
MisterAshmodai​(dom male)
2 years ago • Feb 6, 2022
MisterAshmodai​(dom male) • Feb 6, 2022
Then, you are golden. Make sure you are engaging with clear headed adults and informing your consent.

As far as receiving non consensually, your getting into consensual non-consent, which is its own thing and is actually content with the appearance of non-consent (hopefully, properly conveyed; nothing worse than bad CNC role play). I do a lot of this kind of role play, as it deeply resonates with me.

You’re welcome.
Miki​(masochist female)
2 years ago • Feb 7, 2022
Miki​(masochist female) • Feb 7, 2022
If it's two adults sharing messages about these things without pictures or anything-- I don't see where it's illegal unless said written fantasy sharing mentions taboo activity that actually happened, is happening or is being planned.

It's a dicey subject to be sure but so long as such conversations remain private and involve only the two adults, I doubt it would be illegal.
No Body​(dom male)
2 years ago • Feb 7, 2022
No Body​(dom male) • Feb 7, 2022
It is legal to talk about it with other adults as long as you know they are over 18. Most times it is a good thing to get it out and talk about it. I am living proof of that. Talking about it and doing it are different as long as you know doing it is wrong. I have a few I know are way wrong but as I never intend to act on them, I am ok with them.
Shaynna​(dom female)
2 years ago • Feb 7, 2022
Shaynna​(dom female) • Feb 7, 2022
Thank you for your reply Miki and No body.

From what I've found out so far ( I like to double and triple check things so just in case I went to look online for more information), here in Europe fantasizing between 2 consensual adults about taboo things doesn't bring any problems ( as long as no material is shared and so on) but in the USA seems like if someone is really unlucky it may give problems and then the person may need to prove he or she wouldn't do that kind of things in real life (that's what a couple of articles said at least, I don't live in the USA neither did I study law and I got worried since reading those articles cus my Daddy is from there and I don't want anything to happen to him just because he is fulfilling my fantasies plus since I had a psicose 2 years ago I'm extremely paranoid and we ended up stopping playing cus I got scared of something happening)

AmandaAlwaysNaughty wrote:
I have orgasmed many times fantasising about different CNC scenarios - especially where I’m asleep in bed and an unknown person takes advantage of me (even more so when it turns out to be my daddy)

Good to know I'm not alone and ty for your reply ^^
Maybe I ask if you ever felt guilty or bad about it? Still trying to find someone who felt or feels the same.
AmandaAlwaysNaughty​(sub female)
2 years ago • Feb 7, 2022

No, I never feel guilty

AmandaAlwaysNaughty wrote:
I have orgasmed many times fantasising about different CNC scenarios - especially where I’m asleep in bed and an unknown person takes advantage of me (even more so when it turns out to be my daddy)

Good to know I'm not alone and ty for your reply ^^
Maybe I ask if you ever felt guilty or bad about it? Still trying to find someone who felt or feels the same.[/quote]
Sammilynn​(sub female){Robin Silv}
2 years ago • Feb 7, 2022
I definitely have violent and taboo fantasies and that's what the CNC kink can help with only if it's something you want to do. There isn't anything wrong with fantasies. I've even written a sort of short story about some stuff i posted it on here.