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Permanent scarring

Storms n Abi{Whatever }
2 years ago • Sep 6, 2022

Permanent scarring

Storms n Abi{Whatever } • Sep 6, 2022
Hello everyone. I wanted to know more about permanent scarring in a D/s or M/s relationship. What is it about? What equipments are used? How does it heal? Does one need experience to permanently scar someone?
Thanks for reading. Your opinions, comments are most appreciated. Please share articles or websites if you know about anything.
2 years ago • Sep 6, 2022
CSI • Sep 6, 2022
My understanding is that it is used to brand/mark the s-type as belonging to a particular D or M. Equipment can be needles, scalpels, knives that repeatedly scratch/cut the design into the skin, or involve a branding iron that burns the insignia/name into the skin. It takes a few weeks or months to heal (depending on how it was done and whether it gets infected). I would say that someone probably doesn't need experience to do it, but I wouldn't personally get it done by someone who didn't know what they were doing. That's a big commitment and there are multiple things that could go wrong.
    The most loved post in topic
2 years ago • Sep 6, 2022
I'mME • Sep 6, 2022

Scarification can include branding, etching a design that is to be permanent by cutting through layers of the skin [the results which could be a raised design on the body], scratching of skin, etc.
Knives, needles, tattoo guns, etc can be used.
This is NOT something that a sub should take lightly, our skin [Integumentary System] includes our hair, skin and nails. It is our biggest protection from the bacteria and viruses that are all over the place. It should be maintained the best you can. If scarification is something on the table, then 4hr person doing the scarification at the very least should practice a clean environment at the very least all the way up to being as sterile as possible. [Of course not operating room level but as close to sterile as possible.

Infection of the skin leaves open the door for that extra scaring that was not intended, infection introduced into the bloodstream [MRSA, VRSA, ] then possible antibiotics, debriding [Bing it] , possible loss of limbs, skin tissue, skin grafts, septicemia which could end in death.

Just giving some of the facts.
It can be a kink, it can be a claim to ownership, or it could be someone who read about it and wants to try it on an unsuspecting newer sub.
MasterBear​(other butch)
2 years ago • Sep 7, 2022
MasterBear​(other butch) • Sep 7, 2022
The only thing that I would add here is that when it comes to permanent body mod If you want it to come out anything that's like in your brain the person doing the body mod should either 1- have experience or 2- be learning under somebody to guide the experience.
Miki​(masochist female)
2 years ago • Sep 14, 2022
Miki​(masochist female) • Sep 14, 2022
Where to go with this without someone shouting "Don't kink shame!"-- but in all honesty, and it might be heavily influenced by my personal refusal to ever get a tattoo-- it takes an extreme level of commitment to allow this to happen.

Tats are one thing but branding, cutting to mark ownership. I tend to think it takes an unrealistic level of commitment to allow permanent scarring by another. The operative word is permament. People even thinking of this ought to consider that at length.

A somewhat humorous old story comes to mind because I know and know of dudes who had this happen... Get the high school sweetheart's (Or spouse) name tattooed on his forearm, upper bicep or other high visibility -- and be stuck with it long after the relationship is over. But in those cases they get another tat on top. Somewhat of a solution. But in reality it's the result of an impulse decision. Such poor judgement is not reserved for the younger generation but the consequences are the same.

And of course as pointed out above, what I just wrote didn't even touch upon potential health complications.

One would be well advised to consider another way to express commitment if one must. The concept of permanent scarring stinks to high heaven.
2 years ago • Sep 20, 2022
LordofPain56 • Sep 20, 2022
Being a sadist and having a lot of experience with whips and floggers, I would warn that people should be careful especially with all types of single-tail whips. Regardless of which type, these can produce a long-lasting scar if the whip or flogger is swung too hard or if the Dom allows the whip tail to wrap around to fast, because the momentum builds as the tail lands around a corner. There are training videos on the internet for beginners for proper handling and use of whips.
Steellover​(sub male)
2 years ago • Sep 21, 2022
Steellover​(sub male) • Sep 21, 2022
Miki's story of the "high school sweetheart tattoo" is one reason why I consider any kind of permanant branding/modification/tattooing as a hard limit of mine. There are, of course, plenty of other ways to mark ownership, from the traditional one ("put a ring on it") to temporary ink markings, or at the most, perhaps a more subtle tattoo by an expert that might not be explicit or visible but would still be suggestive of submission, (a chain around an ankle, for example.)