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How do you get over your first bdsm breakup

new Luna​(sub female)
1 year ago • Jan 3, 2023

How do you get over your first bdsm breakup

new Luna​(sub female) • Jan 3, 2023
How do you get over your very first bdsm breakup with your first Dom whom you fell in love with?
babygirlnovah​(sub female)
1 year ago • Jan 3, 2023
Hey, big hugs, I’m currently dealing with similar, I’m finding one day at a time helps, and to not hold in the tears, let them out. For me the pain comes in waves. My inbox is open if u want to talk x
1 year ago • Jan 4, 2023
I'mME • Jan 4, 2023
When you are able to sit down and objectively look back over the relationship do a critical analysis of:

Things you liked and want to explore more.
Things you didn't like and why that was.
Needs and Wants (make a list and don't be afraid to negotiate)

Things that you could do better, what they could have done better.

These things could help you to have some perspective regarding what you seek when you decide to try again if you decide to try again.
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1 year ago • Jan 5, 2023
Low{BLK OWND} • Jan 5, 2023
Simply you don't
Just find a way to move on
Miki​(masochist female)
1 year ago • Jan 7, 2023
Miki​(masochist female) • Jan 7, 2023
What she said.. You move on.. You learn from any mistakes you MIGHT have made and apply that to the next time.

But remember, an ass has two cheeks. Maybe you made a mistake, and maybe the SIR did. Just evaluate the scene.
SapphireEyes​(sub female){JoshuaD }
1 year ago • Jan 8, 2023
Sending you love and light.
I do not have a good answer.
Always remember:
You are amazing.
You are strong.
You are deserving.
You are worthy.
Love yourself.
Protect your energy.
Give yourself self care.
Take all the time you need.

You matter.
dollMaker​(dom male)
1 year ago • Jan 8, 2023
dollMaker​(dom male) • Jan 8, 2023
Its not just your first, but every one of them, to varying degrees. The variation comes about depending on the depth of connection, duration of involvement and any accompanying feelings, though the pain, hurt and grief felt does vary a bit, one needs to be aware that sometimes even short term casual involvements can, when they end, have a greater accompanying sadness than expected.
Harleyinwonderland​(sub female)
1 year ago • Jan 9, 2023
My first Dom passed away many years ago, I still don't feel over it. I don't think I'll ever find a Dom like him.

But, as with any breakup I just remind myself that if it was meant to be, it would be. The best is yet to come and instead of focusing on the sad ending I try to look forward to the exciting beginning that one day will happen. I also try to rationalize what went wrong, things I learned from it and what I should improve on.