silentnotes wrote:
So, I struggle a lot with mental health and I can be very insecure. I'm working on it and I'm in therapy getting help. I just run into the same issues again and again. I'm very timid when it comes to sexual affection or intimacy because I had some bad experiences and I feel like I should just give up trying to be a part of the community because it just causes so many issues with other people.
I feel bad every time I just can't give what other people can without issue
Hope the readers will forgive the use of cliche', but they both strike me as fitting.
"Know thyself"
"To thine own self be true."
It has not been that long since homosexuality was considered a pathology. It was removed from the American Psychiatric Association (APA) Diagnotistc and Statistical Manual (DSM) in 1973. That's an evolving manual.
my point is, what may generally considered by society or a particular culture as "sick" is sometimes just that, a prevailing social/cultural point of view and not an indication of true pathology.
BDSM can be a dynamic and edgy culture, but it is a culture and "community." i'm a gay guy who doesn't fit into a lot of the gay community. my guess is that's not all that unusual, that many here can say: "I'm ____________, but don't exactly, or even nearly, fit___________," (common or even uncommon factors inherent to the community to which they have been generally relegated).
What i read in your post is a person who is in the (never ending) process of knowing their self. i think therapy with the right therapist can be great, that pretty much anyone can benefit from it. An idea with good "therapy" is to provide objective reflection of who and how you are, then hopefully work with you to discover how to live with who and how you are, or change if 'need' be.
i would not presume to tell you to "give up [or not] trying to be a part of the community...." i think only you should decide that. i think it's a sign of health and maturity that you are looking for input. i will express that i don't think the answer is an "all" or "nothing" proposal, but a matter of finding custom made methods and solutions born out of knowing and being true to your self.