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Is it rare to find someone who wants to work through challenges with you.

2 months ago • Jul 2, 2024

Is it rare to find someone who wants to work through challen

InATimelyFashion • Jul 2, 2024
Rare to find someone who wants to work through challenges with you. Nowadays , many believe there is always someone better to just swipe away. If you have someone who communicates sets their ego aside stoves for resolution , cherish them.

What do think on this?
MisterAshmodai​(dom male)
2 months ago • Jul 2, 2024
MisterAshmodai​(dom male) • Jul 2, 2024
Everyone has challenges. Our challenges are part of who we are. Being willing to work through our challenges and help with those of the partners we choose is paramount to being ready for serious relationships.

The people who swipe away are no better or worse. They are just different and working on their own issues.
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Solace​(dom male)
2 months ago • Jul 2, 2024
Solace​(dom male) • Jul 2, 2024
Admittedly not my best side, but there are days on here where it feels like a significant number of ladies approaching me are just looking for someone to fix their problems. Whatever they may be.

I cherish the ladies I spend time with, I do. And I try to help as many ladies as I can. I want to help the ladies I am involved with. But...I am also looking for someone I enjoy spending time with. I am not here searching for my next emotional challenge. I am looking for someone I can laugh, love and live with. And there is this golden point I can't define where its the perfect time to make those real deep connections and talk about those wolves biting at our heels. Its hard though to imagine the sunny days ahead if things are too glum and dark too soon or for too long.

This is the only perspective I can gift you. That we are all looking for what makes us happy and just as MisterAshmodai above has commented, we all have our challenges. Its okay to tell someone, or be told, "I am not ready to take on your burdens". Is that disappointing? Yes. Every time. For both parties.

For more established relationships, things are muddier. A great deal. I can't speak on the complexities of those dynamics other than each person must decide what a future with or with out the other is worth.
2 months ago • Jul 2, 2024
InATimelyFashion • Jul 2, 2024
Through the thick and thin teamwork yin and yang, someone be your lover , partner and best friend, ride or die in lows and highs does matter, you hold on, turn it around but go through things to grow and mold something that honors that love.
Miki​(masochist female)
2 months ago • Jul 3, 2024
Miki​(masochist female) • Jul 3, 2024
I find it a challenge to find many who want to work through issues of their own, let alone work with another on their specific or mutual difficulty.

Hence my "fierce" independence, honed over decades and especially after school was finally finished and I entered the workforce in my chosen field--- I have challenges, some related to my disability others just everyday bullshit that sneaks up on everyone--- and I deal with them myself and on my own terms.

As for "working with someone together on an issue, sure. And I have run into others willing to do the same, but the trick is for "The Challengee" to demonstrate the willingness and commitment to do their fair share, not slither into the background and let the "helper" do the heavy lifting.
1 month ago • Jul 14, 2024
lambsone • Jul 14, 2024
I think it's hard. Especially in our disposable society today. It's rare to find someone who will wholeheartedly stick with you through thick and thin.
1 month ago • Jul 14, 2024
I'mME • Jul 14, 2024
House Talion wrote:
Hard enough to find anyone compatible within meeting distance that isn't into it just for themselves.

I'm an optimist, it's the people who live inside some fantasy land and/or expect their partners to FIX them is a huge issue.
From the right side of the slash, they lead w trauma, their mental health, past baggage, and nobody should be expected to have to work with any issues that someone themselves are not working on, have already done some work themselves.

From the left side of the slash, there is also the issues of past relationships and mental health. In addition to that unrealistic expectations and demands.

I realize I sound like .45 on a record player. IYKYK.

A lot of issues could be avoided if people took their time to get to know each other. No, not a month, not 3 months, but really get to know someone. To decide if y'all are compatible. I mean y'all let people tie you up, beat you with things, send pics online, tell your deepest darkest to each other, yet you don't know their last name, where they work, how many kids, they ever broken any bones ? How many languages do they speak?
Are they allergic to anything .

BOTH SIDES should know these things, whether the one welding a whip, their domination, to the one who loves their Master but doesn't know these things above.

That's what it boils down to, compatibility.
1 month ago • Jul 14, 2024
Bunnie • Jul 14, 2024
I’ve come to believe it actually isn’t as difficult as we believe. Overcoming the fears of potentially being alone, and actually waiting until that person comes along, instead of simply settling for “what’s in front of me right now,” probably removes most of the difficulties.
Someone who truly wants to be there will *already be doing* the work required to be there in a healthy way.
1 month ago • Jul 14, 2024
I'mME • Jul 14, 2024
Bunnie wrote:
I’ve come to believe it actually isn’t as difficult as we believe. Overcoming the fears of potentially being alone, and actually waiting until that person comes along, instead of simply settling for “what’s in front of me right now,” probably removes most of the difficulties.
Someone who truly wants to be there will *already be doing* the work required to be there in a healthy way.


Hi, How are you ? I agree 100%. I am not as succinct as you are, probably never will be. 😂