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Subdrop / Domdrop

Litchee​(sub female)
1 week ago • Feb 3, 2025

Subdrop / Domdrop

Litchee​(sub female) • Feb 3, 2025
Hi everyone icon_smile.gif I’m pretty new here and I was wondering if you could share you’re experiences on how you handle Sub / Domdrop. And how would you work through it in a long distance relationship?
Thank you in advance!
lambsoneVerified Account
lambsoneVerified Account
6 days ago • Feb 4, 2025
lambsoneVerified Account • Feb 4, 2025
Following. I hope you get some good answers. It's a great question.
Miki​(masochist female)
6 days ago • Feb 4, 2025
Miki​(masochist female) • Feb 4, 2025
While I never had that problem, or not to the point where it was a problem--- but one need not be experienced in sub/dom drop to know that it's when all the endorphins created by intense playtime--- fade away, and you notice that the real, relatively shitty world is still around you.

Think of it as a BDSM hangover.

Unlike a booze hangover, which resolves with time, sleep, and some heartfelt puking, sub/dom drop can be lessened by keeping one's mind and body occupied for the duration of this or any mood drops -- as in coming back from a terrific vacation only to realize that your crappy job is waiting for you--- Same shit different ass. --What helps is exercise, reading, binge TV, relaxing tea blends and even chocolate.

Otherwise there are no magical quick remedies, sorry to say.
bdsamworld​(sub female)​{collared}
6 days ago • Feb 5, 2025
I've had sub drop quite a few times, especially when I was playing in a mentally bad space. Lesson learned there. First piece of advice, if you're not mentally ready to play....DON'T DO IT! Tell your partner that mentally you're not in a place to be playing/doing that scene. If they have a problem with you saying that sorry they don't deserve you. Your health (physical and mental) as well as their health is important.

I created a sub drop routine and kit for myself.

A routine I've followed before:
Right after scene: Aftercare! Aftercare!!!! Not a negotiable
- Add a blanket to aftercare routine
- A burger, fries, milkshake and chicken nuggets

First day after:
- journaling about the scene/time
- drink an extra glass of water than what I normally do
- stay away from caffeine (unless necessary for work)
- chicken soup (Personally I like a certain kind of chicken bone broth) or ramen

Second day after:
- listening to some good dance music
- say an affirmation (can be whatever you decide on)
- eat something nutritious with veggies, fruits, or whatever healthy thing you enjoy

Third day after: (Typically when sub drop would hit me)
- journal about feelings that day
- dance party day 2!!
- go for a walk/something outside
- eat a favorite meal
- treat yourself that day to a special drink or snack
- reach out to a friend or schedule a friends date!
- taking a nice shower or bath with bath/shower bombs

This whole time I try to keep good communication with my dominant/partner. I've normally had long distance partners so the days after I would typically be "on my own." If I were around my partner during this time I'd ask for more cuddles for sure.
Cello Trance​{for You}Verified Account
Cello Trance​{for You}Verified Account
5 days ago • Feb 5, 2025
Cello Trance​{for You}Verified Account • Feb 5, 2025
What I do as a Hypno Dom is to ensure that there is no sub drop. I’ll repeat that… No sub drop. This is done through suggestions in the subconscious mind but it’s also done with how I conduct a hypnosis session with a sub.

These can be very, very intense sessions featuring Multiple orgasms. I give the sub a trigger word that will cause her to orgasm whenever I say it. I of course, will build up her desire, and then causes her to orgasm, to squirt…

I also will feature sadistic sessions if she desires those, featuring whippings, paddling, etc, being placed between two columns and used

After all of this activity, I bring her to a bed and with me inside of her I gave her a trigger word that makes her feel so warm, so loved, so good…so happy with no cares or concerns or worries.

Now here’s the cool thing, I will then give her a suggestion that she will feel like that all day long. I can also through her subconscious mind give her an orgasm periodically throughout the day and then afterwards have that feeling of peace, but even more so.

There’s a lot of things that can be done like this to ensure that there is no sub drop but just beautiful feelings of warmth and peace. Also, if they are working or at school, I give them suggestions to give them beautiful positive energy and strength and focus throughout the day.

If the session is done right before her bedtime, I put her into a very deep, beautiful restful sleep so when she wakes up in the morning, she feels refreshed and happy

Again, this is done through the subconscious mind, through hypnosis. But this is only done in a committed, one on one loving relationship

Anyway, that’s my two cents.
SirenSoul​(masochist female)
5 days ago • Feb 5, 2025
Yes, technically anyone can claim to be a "doctor" in hypnosis because the term "hypnosis doctor" isn't a legally protected title in most places, meaning anyone can call themselves a hypnotist without specific training or licensing, which can lead to unqualified practitioners; it's crucial to verify the credentials of any hypnotist you consider working with. Use of hypnotic tactics to deepen kink dynamics or encourage sexual arousal. Should be approached with extreme caution.

Last edited by * on Wed Feb 05, 2025 11:34 am, edited 1 time in total
    The most loved post in topic
5 days ago • Feb 5, 2025
Kelpi • Feb 5, 2025
Once almost 20 yrs ago I was with a friend and I was enjoying giving her a full body massage. Something I enjoyed more than she did because of the energy we were sharing. She was telling me her problems and I was just into the massage more than I thought I was going to go. It started out normaly but after an hour I was lost in the sensation of her skin and the energy that passed between us. I had to wake her up twice to get her to move or roll over.

I had to stop myself several times to not go farther than our friendship would let me. I finally sat next to her feeling something I had only touched the edges of. We talked and decided to see how far this would go. She laid down again and I started on her neck and slowly worked my way down her back. I swear by all the gods I have never used so much energy as I did that night. The sex was so much more than good and I have never had anything like it since. We reach a place I never knew was possible. As with a great height came a great fall. My body shook and I found the bottom of my personals well. I have never lost so much energy to the point where I knew I was empty. She had drained my dry and loved it.

When I woke up my body was just dead. It was so hard to move I would have swore I had been beaten almost to death. She was gone and I was glad. It took days to get my energy back to what can be called normal. I finally called her and she was doing very well. Made the mistake of asking when we could do it again. I have not seen her since that night nor do I want to. It felt like I was trying to fill a tanker with an eye dropper. Oh but it was so good. I had finally found someone who I could go primal on and she not only took it but gave it back. I miss her but I could never go as far as I did that night. The marks we left on each other and the feelings we had let go of. It was a hard fall but worth it. I think I would rather be hit by a truck than fall that hard again.
BlackHoleSun​(masochist female)
4 days ago • Feb 7, 2025
sub drop. a lot of communication is necessary. phone calls, txts with the other party, or someone understanding. taking care of yourself. baths, music, relaxing, or doing something you enjoy, like shopping or hanging out with your friends