Inspired by a mental health Tshirt I have just ordered
Even broken crayons colour
When your world seems dark and cold, know that you're never on your own, so many people love you, just give a friend a phone
When you feel you can't go on and there's no end to the pain in sight, remember you're important and you're someone else's light
You may think you've no more to give but a smile could save their day, don't think that you're not needed, please listen to what I say
Even in the hardest times, people will be right by your side, everybody fails in certain things but be proud to say you tried
It may feel like its one step forward and then it's two steps back, just keep on pushing forward, just keep yourself on track
Dig deep and see the things we see, you're needed and loved by us all, remember it's ok to stumble, it's fine if you trip and fall
If you fall just take a breath, get up and try to go again or rest until your confident and you've got it sorted in your brain
There's no rush to get on with life, it's not a full on race, wonder along at your own speed, it's you who sets the pace
Things may not be perfect but even broken crayons colour just the same, be strong be you and be beautiful and you'll get through lifes tough game