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A Journal

Being new to the BDSM lifestyle I have decided to create a journal of my journey as a male submissive.

I hope that by writing this I will be able to look back a see the changes and growth in my life.

I thought that others may benefit by reading my journal entries.

I truly want to be a part of the BDSM community and help to contribute to the lived of members of The Cage

What do I ask of the community? Comments, criticisms, advice! If you read so nothing that send up a red flag tell me please! Otherwise, enjoy. I hope what I write will somehow benefit your own journies.

3 years ago. October 15, 2020 at 6:13β€―PM

This goes along with DevotedSub's blog on Giving:

Let me give you one of the ingredients for sabotaging your relationships. I’m talking about ANY relationship, whether it be with your girlfriend, boyfriend, friends, husband, wife, children, parents, co-workers, acquaintances, and all your virtual social media “friends.”

The great relationship sabotager I’m speaking about is called OUTCOME DEPENDENCE.

What is outcome dependence?

Outcome dependence is doing something for someone else in order to achieve a certain outcome.


Your friend is hiring and you apply for the job. He doesn't select you, so you become angry and resentful toward your friend.

You’ve just sabotaged your relationship with your friend.

Why? Because you were outcome dependent. You had strings attached to your job application. You put an expectation on your friend. When it wasn’t met, you turned hot toward him. Bellicose. Pugnacious. Obnoxious.

Another example:

You buy a gift for your boyfriend or husband. He doesn't react the way you want. Now you’re upset with him.

You’ve just thrown a wrench into your relationship.

Why? Because you were outcome dependent. You didn’t give him a gift out of unconditional love. You gave it to achieve a certain reaction.

Another example:

You write to an author expressing appreciation for her book. She never replies to you or you think her reply is too short. It doesn’t meet your expectations. Horns arise out of your head and you're furious with her.

You’ve just broken a bridge with that author.

Why? Because you were outcome dependent. You didn’t express your appreciation unconditionally. It didn’t come from a right motive. You were expecting some sort of validation from it.

Hell hath no fury like the outcome dependent when their expectations aren’t met.

Outcome dependence reveals neediness and selfishness. It's the opposite of unconditional love.

Outcome dependence is a form of manipulation. You do something for someone else in order to engineer a specific outcome that YOU want.

A needy, self-absorbed person who is not complete within themselves, but needs another person to validate them, will always be outcome dependent.

And outcome dependence pushes people away due to self-seeking pressure.

To love without condition is to be OUTCOME INDEPENDENT. And that’s what life in the kingdom of God looks like.

You give, you serve, you ask, you apply, etc. without any expectations. Without any conditions. Without any attachments to or expectations of the outcome.

You put no pressure on other people to do anything!

If you do something kind for someone else, you don't look over your shoulder to see if it’s “working.”

You do it unto God's glory and out of Christ-fueled love. A love that never demands, expects, or puts pressure on others. That’s the goal.

“Do things for others because of the man/woman you are, not to win brownie points. Whenever you do something to achieve a reaction, you’re being outcome dependent, which means you’re seeking validation and acknowledgement. It’s a sign of neediness.”

SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+β˜•} - Thank you CB for being a Reminder.

As humans, we are all flawed and none of us can be perfect. Sometimes, our ID (Inner Desires) get the best of us and while we may not keep a tally, we come to expect a certain level of reciprocity, especially when the dynamic (lovers, friends, family, etc) is proported to be deep and meaningful. Hurt comes when the truth is finally accepted...

So where is the line?
3 years ago
slavebilly​(sub male) - The "line" to give expecting nothing in return. Love is sometimes translated as "charity". Maybe that's a better translation here. Do you give to your Dom expecting something in return or are you giving because its who you are? When you give expecting nothing the satisfaction is only in the giving. If you receive something back, it shouldn't be because of what you did, it should be from the Dom choosing to give to you.
3 years ago
slavebilly​(sub male) - Hi
1 year ago
Max Sterne​(dom male){Morley} - Great post! I hate to admit it, but I have been guilty of this more than a few times in my life. Thank you for this, its very well received!!!
3 years ago
slavebilly​(sub male) - We are all guilty of this. I learned this one day when I gave $10 to a man that asked me for money. I realized I was not getting anything in return. In spite if that I felt so good! I realized I needed to try to give expecting nothing in return in all my relationships. I still fail, but I'm progressing. It is so much more satisfying when you expect nothing!
3 years ago
Max Sterne​(dom male){Morley} - Agreed, and thank you for sharing your own experience. Many times I have caught myself after the fact, wondering why I was disappointed with the outcome before realizing i did exactly what you clarified in this blog. Then I have to reel myself all the way back in...or maybe I should say "real" myself back in, lol!
3 years ago
Morley​(sub female){Max Sterne} - I wish I could love this a million times over!!!! I would hope and wish that every person reads this.

I read Ds' blog and commented around this very same thing. Knowing WHY we give and ensure it's not for the wrong reasons... Set boundaries for ourselves when giving, and even more so understanding the reciprocating factor... is expected (our giving) or is it appreciated? And THAT right there goes both ways - if validation is being sought by either the giver or receiver, then the "action" should be reevaluated. This to me, is the epitome of a relationship. And is the true nature of communication!

Thank you for a great blog post! πŸŒΈπŸ’žπŸŒΈ
3 years ago
slavebilly​(sub male) - It was D's post that reminded me of this. It provoked me to share this
3 years ago
DaddiesPumpkin​(switch female){Not Lookin} - Great post!!
Admittedly, I needed to be reminded of this today. Thank you!!! πŸŒ™
3 years ago
Devotedsub​(sub female){His} - Thank you for this blog. There are so many things throughout life that we do and don't even realize that we are doing it! Outcome dependence is one of those things. Giving with the wrong mindset, and to only expect something in return is not the reason to give. It may make you happy to give, but you shouldn't give only to benefit from it. Giving should be unconditional and you shouldn't expect something in return. An example of this comes up so clearly in my head from my life and it makes my head spin. Selfless rather than selfish.. That's the way to be !
3 years ago
slavebilly​(sub male) - Yes! Thank you for your post on giving. It reminded me of this.
3 years ago

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