Its that time again! Resolutions of promises we are going to get done "THIS Year" that we didn't follow thru with or get around to in the past year. I'm guilty as any of it.
Here's the thing that I learned this past year when the resolution I made to go and see family "this year" suddenly had an expiration date before I was able to finally "get to it". All the "maybe next year" or "I swear this year"s came down to hours to make it happen when that call came in. And it didn't happen fast enough. Just hours from them enroute to give that final good bye...they were gone.
All the "they knew you were coming" didn't stop the regret and guilt of knowing I failed.
So 2018 No Resolution isn't because I don't have goals, a plan or just that it will be a daily resolution.
To do the most I can for the day I am in lest there isn't a tomorrow.
To make the call and not wait for the holiday
To be the best I can be but still enjoy who I am as I am.
To hold the door, lend the hand and find a way between each 365 sun rises and sets to leave the world a better place for at least one person outside of myself.
Here's the thing, I know I will have failures. I will have successes too. I will daily find new weakenesses as well as new strengths. And instead of waiting til the next year to say "This year" I only have to wake up the next day and say "Today" I will try again, do better and not quit til I succeed"!
Happy New Year! Day 1!