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MsNevermore's ramblings, observations, and thoughts

These are my thoughts, opinions and experiences alone. Feel free to contribute, debate or disagree....
6 years ago. December 20, 2017 at 7:33 PM

This is a fast blog meant mainly to get the words out of my head. This is personal, my battle of will of within myself. 


I feel it there just under my skin, I've felt it before. My fingers curl and bend thinking this feeling it can mend.


Just scratch off the surface and let break free. Open the door with that well guarded key.


Two sided coin held in my palm just toss it, call it and see where it lies. 


I think I may have been foolish to think I could submit...or is that just the itch trying to bitch?


I honestly think I'm just tired of trying, sitting so patient and quietly dying. I can't stand the silence up on this shelf. Just take a stand and come down myself. 


That itch has a plan and just wants a voice. But once it begins it won't be stopped twice. 

As nice as I've been this itch tips the scale. It pain and chaos that puts wind in its sail. 


The years is about over and a new one begins. So tired of fighting this itch that is crawling up out of my skin.


Ascorpiess went to sleep to awaken Nevermore...what name shall we call this if I open that door? 



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