So at some point in our lives we realized we weren't the average pint of vanilla ice cream. There was this aroma of some other ingredient in our desires.
Some of us didn't even realize the favor was there until someone flung a heaping scoop of "oh fuck yeah" into our basic bowl of cream. Yeah you scream I scream we all what???
We went looking to find what that exact ingredient was so we could learn how to get more. Some assumptions started there. That the ingredient was oh so rare that the only way to find it would be: any ridiculous fantasy that required over use of Sir, true, and gift.
Unfortunately for many this causes the onset of freanzy and the offset of common sense.
It also was where those of us who had already found our sourse to our ingredient mixture started assuming we knew exactly what those new to Kinster Robins needed to obtain their perfect taste of the 69 flavors.
The basic flaw was in assuming on both ends.
The taste testers with their little pink spoons assuming that every flavor should be tasted. The three double scoop rocky roader with their be perfectly balanced cherry thinking that they know what will be the perfect combination of cream, topping, sauce and nuts for that same tester.
Both end up assuming and the mess of over zealous gluttony and bloating on nut allergy quickly has both pointing fingers as to who ruined that perfectly good sundae!
So maybe lets just stop assuming. If you're new to the parlor take it one taste at a time. Ask don't assume what another has in their cone is going to work with your sprinkles. For those of us who know our preference lets start giving the advise we wish we had recieved.
On that note: I would love to hear from both sides as to what one either is looking for advise on or wish had been known when taking that first taste of the ever rotating flavor of BDSM.