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Sarah’s world

The words that fall out. Creative writing poetry stream of consciousness dreams. The good the bad and the ugly. Very important to me- I greatly appreciate any readers, greatly appreciate being seen felt and heard.
3 years ago. July 17, 2021 at 6:27 PM

Giving love to me.. taking care of my pain.. soaking i the tub.. what a gift today 


Wanted to share a photo- how do you attach one here?

SSG​{ENM-TLP} - You need to be a premium user to add photos to blogs, but you can add photos to your profile and just refer people to your profile to see them.
3 years ago
sarahrah - Ahh I see. And what are the rules for posting photos of marks? In this case I wanted to share a photo of my ankle which has old cigarette burns on it. My point today is self love as I shave lovingly over them.. but maybe there are certain rules dunno. Thanks!
3 years ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female)​{Pizza+☕}Verified Account - Nope, no rules against it.
3 years ago
sarahrah - Wow cool!
3 years ago
SSG​{ENM-TLP} - Cage rules about photos are no children, even vanilla photos, and nothing showing someone's identity, even posting a Cage name, with stating you have their consent to post their name, or if their Cage name is in your {collar}, it is expected they would be ok with you posting their name without having to state you have their consent every single time. So don't post a screen shot of something someone has posted here and share it without stating they gave permission. I am sure there are others, but these are the most common that will get your blog put in "blog jail" (as we put it around here).
3 years ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female)​{Pizza+☕}Verified Account - The blog rules are posted at the bottom of each blog page below where the "safe draft/publish" buttons are in case you need to review them.
3 years ago
sarahrah - Got it thanks
3 years ago
sarahrah - Hmmm, signed up for premium and still don’t see how to attach photo/video
3 years ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female)​{Pizza+☕}Verified Account - Hit the word "style". That is the place where you can edit things like font, etc....your standard word document editing options.

Hit the symbol for image. Upload whatever image you want and it'll bring up your "library" of uploaded images. Choose the image you want and boom! There ya go.
3 years ago
sarahrah - Got it, thanks! Didn’t work for video but I see that it probably would for a photo
3 years ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female)​{Pizza+☕}Verified Account - No ope. For YouTube it's actually easier. Lol!
3 years ago

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