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1 year ago. November 10, 2023 at 3:16 PM

So in most of the book I read they talked about “subspace” I meanI think I understand what that’s mean but I would like to know if it’s real and how is it if you can explain in some way.. Oh and you can have only through pain? Or not? 

Weird question for a virgin. Lol. 

Winters Kiss​(sub female)​{Collared} - It’s definitely real. It also varies for each… sometimes you get a foggy headspace and others may get a clear and focused heightened headspace. Some might describe it as a trance like state, others an out of body experience. Some need pain to get there and others do not.

For me it’s like a high and it feels very floaty like I’m very susceptible, and open to any suggestion. I’m less inhibited and extremely willing to act on whatever direction is given.
1 year ago
LaVieEnRose​(sub female)​{Kintsugi} - I used to think I’d never understand it until there was one Dom who brought me to that place and it was like my brain just switched off and I could finally stop the insanity in my brain. I was in a bit of a foggy space but also what they’re saying to me is the only thing I can hear. For me it’s usually now a tone of voice or a switch in conversation that triggers my brain to start entering that area but if you lose me before I’m totally there then it can ruin the whole moment
1 year ago
fluffypoppet​(sub female)​{Protected}Verified Account - I went to an event and heard someone describe it as that feeling after you cum... but the feeling lasts longer.

In my experience, it is a floaty feeling like Winter said. Or a feeling of having my brain switched off. I love it. It is... a decadent luxury.
1 year ago

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