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1 year ago. December 12, 2023 at 7:54 PM

How can a man can define himself a dom or training dom at 25? 

I don’t want to offend anyone of course but for me it’s just weird to think about it. It’s strange that I see a dom in a man? A grown up man. 

How can you teach me or guide me at 25? 


fluffypoppet​(sub female)​{Protected}Verified Account - I think of a baby Dom in terms of years in the lifestyle not age.

I've been in the lifestyle nearly 2 years. Someone who is 25 could have vastly more experience in the lifestyle than I do if they got into the lifestyle at 22 and really invested in learning and actively participating in their local community.

Of course, my preference tends toward older experienced Doms. They aren't always safer/wiser just because they are older though. And I fully recognize I could learn from someone younger.

Who I'm willing to submit to is another matter.
1 year ago
PurĕVerified Account -
A Dom with 25 can have way more experience than one with 53, who just found his Kinky-place-to-be.

Maybe in Your case, You prefer the "older" Guys.

Also, how much experience should a 25year old Dom have ? 20 years ? not possible,hm ?

We all started somewhere.

What if a Dom expects from You 10 years experience at Your age of 23 ?... Maybe he will think of You as a "Baby submissive" too.

1 year ago
SchrodingersDinosaur​(switch female)​{N/a} - What poppet said about older not equaling wiser or youth having nothing to teach! 👆It really is a personal preference thing.

I do agree that defining oneself as a “training” dominant always feels kinda smarmy to me (do not come at me, I know there are good ones out there and we absolutely get to define ourselves as feels appropriate).

I would say that there are fair fewer really competent and confident youngish Dominants (especially if they feel the necessity to loudly identify themselves as such…) but they are out there. Mature, patient, always learning and growing.
Think of the Eagle Scouts, the sports team captain (not the douchebaggie sports jock), the young person who held down jobs to help his family while pulling a full load at school. They might have something to teach even an old experienced Dinosaur. (No! Not an invite, guys, I was making a point!)

We have a tendency to other sometimes, me included. *This person was brash so they must be just a HNG - horny net guy* or * she’s a brat, that’s not a REAL submissive* or of the other things that come so easily to the lips (or fingertips). Even though you said no offense, OP, I think most of us consider Baby Dom as kinda an insult. Maybe it’s deserved in this particular case, but young doesn’t always equate to baby.

Great topic for discussion, Beaa. Anybody see things differently? It’s always good to talk through our respective differences, me thinks.
~ Henna
1 year ago
Beaa - I understand what you and the others comments says I was just wondering because I came across with a guy here “trainingdom” 25 yo. And I start a conversation even if I usually talk with older man and prefer an holder hand 🤭 Because I said “don’t be prevented” but it was just a waste of time. I didn’t want to offend anyone
1 year ago
K y i v - A little off topic, mentiond above. I feel no one need a label, in a few short conversations you pretty much know by their comportment, at any age.
1 year ago
Beaa - Agree
1 year ago
Literate Lycan​(dom male) - That's a tough call. As indicated above, years on the planet don't necessarily equate to experience nor ability. Although honestly, experience in life is essential.

Many self-described dominants of 25 and 55 are new to the life and to life in general. I tend to agree with what I saw in SchrodingersDinosaur's response though - it does take a level of maturity. Plenty of older individuals on this site demonstrate they are far from mature but maturity typically comes with experience and age - not necessarily in all cases (Schrödinger gives great examples above).

I do support your concern and possible argument that how can someone at 25 be that experienced to be able to train someone else? It takes time to develop skills and hone them as well as a deeper understanding in order to train others. They may be dominant and a very good Dom, but do they have the level of experience to train someone?

That being said, I knew very little about the lifestyle up until my late 30s, so a 25 year old would have hands down been more knowledgeable than I would back then.
1 year ago

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