I know maybe this is not the right place to write this but here I know that most of the people won’t judge me or think bad of me.
im depressed. I know I am. I’m taking pills from years now and I should go back to therapy I guess. Maybe I should change therapist? She didn’t fix me after years and I know her job is not fix me but maybe a new one will? But a new one means I will have to restart with all the things that make me feels bad and sad and I don’t like that. For therapy is hard and not liberating like for some people. I have friends but I prefer to stay at home in bed. Why?
I thank god I work so I MUST go out.
im just turned 26 and im a virgin. Never been with a man. Why? Why I can’t be normal like other people? I thought it was because of my weight and I think really that was the first cause but now after a surgery I lost more than 30 kilos and of course I don’t see me good yet but maybe someone do? I don’t know.
sorry for my stupid thoughts and my English
have a good day you all