For those of you that know Eros and I, you know we are quietly building our dream here in Minnesota. We are the grateful inhabitants of a gorgeous 17-acre plot with thousands of feet of fresh, clean waterfront. To the rear we have over 100 acres of pristine, forested conservation land.
Our goal is a self sustainable homestead that provides us and our community with abundant organic, cage-free, grass-fed meats and fresh vegetables and herbs. To that end, we added four livestock guard pups, sheparnees, a shepherd, a Pyrenees breeding pair for sheparnees dogs, and a mixed rescue pup.
We have our tractor, hemp license, and beehives that produce honey for food, preserves, mead, and spirits. The hemp provides food and bedding for the meat rabbits who, along with our eggs and great game, provide our dogs and ourselves with meat and eggs. The chicken and duck coop and run houses 23-layer chicken hens and ten ducks.
The hemp, buckwheat, and sunflowers that provide feed and bedding for the rabbits and fowl are going in the ground this weekend. We have a 30 by 40 foot Quonset hut being delivered next week and are discussing basement shelter and root cellar or slab construction. After that, we will add dairy goats for more meat, dairy, cheese, soaps, and lotions when combined with CBD, herbs, beeswax, etc. Also, the Billy goat will help keep predators at bay.
We have a wind turbine that will go up to provide off-grid power. Eros started a wood shop and an ammunition reloading station for hunting practice. In this crazy world, it feels fantastic to be building this dream together that we can share with our adult children someday and can nurture so that it may nurture us.
We both have careers and income outside our homestead, and we are getting things ready to be able to retire here someday.
A safe, self-sufficient community with serenity in a tiny town where the northern lights shine from time to time. Just right.
May wellness find you,