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Hekate in Hinterland

Personal blog as I explore the right side of the slash with my Dom/soulmate.
8 months ago. May 12, 2024 at 5:50 PM

Don't make a fool of yourself by sending volumes of sometimes contradictory and *always* unsolicited rants lecturing us on how we are not being sensitive to YOUR chosen subculture with OUR word choice or what we're looking for in OUR subculture. It's blatantly hypocritical.

We are a D/s couple living a BDSM contract lifestyle looking at *possibly* adding a third if we find someone eager to be a part of our lifestyle. We know that many other subcultures have their own rules and verbiage, and we respect that, asking only that you do the same. If our post doesn't appeal to you, there is a good reason: We aren't looking for the same things.

You can: 1) Comment positively 2) Express interest; or 3) Respectfully disagree (in a line or two, not a book about how we need to change, complete with links to still more pages of opinion pieces that assume more about us than is possible to deduce from the posts and support a niche lifestyle that you have chosen for yourself)

We know we live a niche lifestyle. We are in a 24/7 D/s closed relationship. This allows me to go out and work in a stressful, professional job and come home to the very traditional BDSM dynamic that honors what works for us in private 😈. We know we have "couples privilege" and we honor that by being upfront, honest, and willing to discuss any and all things openly. 


flitter'fly​(sub female) - Amen sister.
8 months ago
ErosRising​(dom male)​{Hekate}Verified Account - You forgot about the stalkers. 🙄
You those ones that sit and wait for you to post and then come with their BS about there is “only one way” to approach it and making new profiles when you block them.

Great post baby. 😘
8 months ago
Hekate He Near​(switch female)​{Eros}Verified Account - oops i did it again see reply 👇
8 months ago
Hekate He Near​(switch female)​{Eros}Verified Account - I didn't forget. I limit myself to one rant per day. It's hard to take stalkers seriously when you live in a beautiful country like this. 💕
8 months ago
flitter'fly​(sub female) - 🤭👀 stalkers Y/you say.
May i be one. 🫣🤫🤔
8 months ago
I'mME - Hekate,

Standing up and speaking out is NOT A RANT.

WTH is wrong with ppl that they feel it's their place to write and give links to a couple that both have experience, been together for a while, and yada, ,yada, yada.
Mofo hypocrites, that's who.
I have a quote but not in front of me but it basically states that anybody who comes to put you down is working harder than you.

-something like that.

8 months ago
flitter'fly​(sub female) - I concur 💯 %
8 months ago
I'mME - * beat me with a noodle.

-MY apologies. 😌
8 months ago

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