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Life in poly as told by me

Welcome to my blog please enjoy and interact. Im a 38 year old poly open non monogamist.
4 months ago. January 28, 2024 at 8:43 PM

This story jumps our time lines around a lot it goes from 2014 to 2019 and back and forth. 

My first was a young lady in phoenix who only interest in men was overpowering them. We met on fet life she would send me gifts an tell me to leave my family. This relationship seemed to be doomed from the start. Im no sub not even at my best attempts this never went far since im super dedicated to my family as it is. Eventually i called this one a loss. 2014 ish 

My second was mistress kim on fetlife. In retrospective i miss kim she cared for me and honestly wanted the best for me. She was one of the most beautiful an pained persons id ever have met. She got me to be more subby then id ever been part of me wishes she wouldn't have left. She taught me so much about how to use your empathetic nature and love others. 2016

My Wisconsin shaman i met on pof she was the most understanding of my poly life. She completely understood me and what i was. She knew i was not a long term solution to her needs but she was willing to take me for a ride either way. She moved to Colorado in her travels for peace. We was just one of many stops on her route to finding peace and exploring the world. She did me a great service just by being my equal and friend. I owe this wolf so much in the present she is still to this day a close friend and i adore her. 2017

Well this was what o had on my mind idk what else to say im struggling in my life right now i hope you all enjoyed hopefully in chapter six we can pick back up on track




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