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Longer-Term D/s Considerations

Things unseen often affect relationships. This is a (perhaps infrequent) chance to look at some of them through the lens of a decade or more of online experiences with a variety of submissive partners.
4 years ago. October 7, 2019 at 9:54 PM

  Along the way, and particularly of late,  I have been in conversations with subs/ friends/  confidants  who have been badly mistreated by various Doms, some here and some not.   To be clear, hardly ANY of these mistreatments have been physical.  Instead, they have been mental and emotional sadism. 

   What am I talking about?  Well, for starters,  the sort of slow drawing away, a kind of slow-motion ghosting is one thread.  Subs might invest months, a year even, trying to build a relationship, only to feel their Doms  drawing back --not saying so, but slowly being in contact less, or less deeply.  It is the tendency of these subs to redouble their efforts , to push to find a magic key to revitalize the relationship.   From where I sit, this almost never works, but does almost always prolong the agonized suffering of the pending rejection.  These Doms  (I have no knowledge of their side of the story)  SEEM to want it both ways --they are emotionally done with this sub, BUT might want to string her along as The Other Woman, perhaps.  Or they just are too cowardly to just tell her the truth and depart honorably.

  The there are the Doms who use silence as a weapon, coming and departing, leaving their sub totally confused, not knowing what they might have done wrong.

  A few Doms seem highly skilled at making their subs believe everything wrong is the sub's own fault.  This shreds her self-image and can cause long term emotional distress. 

  So what is my point?  Sure , there are shit-heels in the Cage, as in every other site.  Caveat emptor, and all that.  BUT....

  My point is that there seems more wreckage being created now than even a couple years back.  So much so, that doing emotional triage is now a part of many--most?--new relationships, before things can move along to exploring any power exchange.  Yet there are few threads in common play here about how best to conduct this emotional damage control on wounded birds. 

  I've been trying to assist, gently if possible, with quite a bit of it lately.  Some with subs, or potential subs, and some just with those I correspond with.  But I  wish I could feel that I was doing a better job of it....Such a widespread thing--a battlefield almost of damaged or hurt or withdrawing people.

  If we have professionals in this sort of thing here in the Cage, I would love to get a tutorial on  this whole subject....

   Thanks for reading.....

Morley​(sub female){Max Sterne} - Awesome post CR, and just by posting you are helping many! Thank you so much for fighting the good fight! ❤️❤️❤️
4 years ago
CapnRick​(dom male) - Thanks Morley, and yes--I DO think it is a good fight worth fighting!
4 years ago
naughtiangel​(sub female){Taken} - CR~ what a wonderful post. You are helping people more than you realize. I think a lot of the time, we see our "scars" and let them take us to that dark place. While the scars become not noticeable on the outside, they are still there. We know what caused those scars, and how it felt when the wound took place, there may have been stitches to heal it, but it still is there. Some have a tendency to reopen wounds. Some even put salt in the open wounds which causes even more pain. The scars are always there, it's a matter of how it is viewed, are you going to always remind me of that scar and the beauty it takes away, or are you going to brush your fingertips over the scar, look me in the eyes and tell me how beautiful I am? This will determine the man you are.
4 years ago
CapnRick​(dom male) - Consider you scars as badges of experiences--hard come by, and thus precious --everyone's scars, too.
4 years ago
Bunnie - Comment deleted by poster.
4 years ago
Bunnie - Oops... I’ll try that again...

Great post @ CapnRick, and a great question... thank you :)
Hopefully others will come forward and share their thoughts on this also.
4 years ago
CapnRick​(dom male) - Thanks, Bunnie --but these things get buried pretty fast on here ! Appreciate you comment.
4 years ago
SSG{ENM-TLP} - I, too, do quite a bit of counseling of subs and potential subs. I have been in this situation myself, when I first came here. One observation is many subs come to The Cage already injured. I believe what we are seeing is less of a "The Cage" culture, but a shift in our overall culture worldwide. People cease to be kind to one another anymore which isn't any more evident than in modern romantic relationships. Many of those who have experienced abuse (emotional or physical) really need to be encouraged to see professional help. We can be there and help support in many ways here, but ultimately, the root of the pain could require more than we have to give. Thank you for all that you do for those who are here and broken.
4 years ago
CapnRick​(dom male) - SSG -- You are absolutely correct that many are already feeling wounded before arriving in The Cage...I should have made that clear. I also agree that the callousness of people is growing with the anonymity of the internet.... Thanks! And thanks, too to J...
4 years ago
angelaa​(sub female){{R}} - Sir... I'm glad I came across this two month old post. It was thoughtfully written, read, understood and felt in my empathic heart. Thank You for all Your help to all those who need it. Many years ago I lived in this kind of hell. (not my wonderful Master). My ex-husband was a mean, angry, terroristic, demeaning, alcoholic #@%#@. Oh, and in a wheelchair.

This post gave me pause for reflection and an idea for my next blog post. Thank You.
4 years ago
CapnRick​(dom male) - Appreciate your thoughful note, Angela...Pretty hard core of you, burrowing two months back to find a buried blog...Thanks!
4 years ago

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