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Tersely Pertinent

This blog is a place for me to post things to get them out of my head.

My writings give a hint of the way I view the lifestyle, both good and bad.

My projects give my hands something to do, when my writing fails me.
3 months ago. June 24, 2024 at 5:36 PM

Alexis stood behind her bar, her hand still tightly gripping the other two’s hands.   Silvia and Sarah’s drinks largely untouched in the silence.   Looking from one woman to the other, Alexis sighed and then started with “’Henery the Eighth, I am.  Henery the Eighth I am, I am…..”

Both of the other two women screamed “STOP” at the same time and then burst out laughing.   Silvia putting her hand to her mouth in an attempt to keep the gaffas from pouring and Sarah wrapped her arms around her belly and set her forehead on the bar, laughing and crying into the woodwork.

Alexis leaned to rest on the island behind the bar, a fake look of disgust on her face.   The other two continued with their laughter for a good ten minutes before they started to ease off.  Both had tears raining down from their eyes and could hardly breathe.   Alexis reached behind her on the bar and retrieved two towel, giving one to each of the others.

“The bar is closing, ladies.   This wig needs a brush and I want out of these boobs and shoes.   Damn things are killing me.”  Alexis told them while running her hands through hair and grabbing the mounds on her chest.  “So finish up your drinks and go somewhere to talk.   I got dry wall to put up tomorrow.”

With that, Alexis reached under the bar and retrieved a sign that read “Bar Closed.  Fix it Yourself” and set it in the middle of the bar.   She then reached down and slid off her heels   which only made her six foot, two flat footed.    With a size 11 (men’s) shoe in each hand, she walked out the door in the back of the bar.

After watching Alexis leave, Silvia and Sarah turned to look at each other and, again, stared back and forth.    Then suddenly, both started to say “I’m Sorr….”, when Sarah put her hand over Silvia’s mouth and clamped it closed.

“No, me first.”  She almost whispered.

Silvia nodded and let Sarah take her right hand between both of hers.   Gently massaging the hand, Sarah steeled herself for what she needed to say.   “I’m sorry I wasn’t here for Matt’s funeral.   I was in Singapore when I got word and couldn’t back in time.”   She then cast her eyes down to Silvia’s hand grasped within hers.   Sarah’s hair fell and covered her face, but Silvia could still hear her words.

“And then people were telling me you were looking for me.    So I ran.   I found a very dark and deep hole and pulled myself in.  I didn’t want to admit what I did to the two of you.   I knew I was wrong but I was too ashamed to face up to it.    I was wrong and now it is too late to tell Matt!”

Sarah forcibly let go of Silvia’s hand and covered her own face.    Silvia could tell the tears were almost screaming out of Sarah’s eyes.   She left her own stool to put her hands under Sarah’s elbows and helped her stand.    Wrapping her arms around the other woman, Silvia held her and slightly swayed, as one would comfort a small child.

3 months ago. June 23, 2024 at 11:07 AM



It was time for her to go

But her sunglasses were missing.


She checked inside the house

While I checked in the car


I wished we couldn't find them

So we would have a bit more time together


But that was selfish

She needed to go to make her flight


Where she needed to go

I could not follow


What she needed to do

I could not be a part of


Then there she was

Sunglasses in hand


A hug

A kiss on the forehead


"Safe Travels" 

I whisper


"Safe Travels"

She returns

3 months ago. June 22, 2024 at 12:53 PM



When Silvia entered the gathering area of The Club, from the back hallway, she had changed to a simple black dress with a below the knee skirt and matching dance slippers.   Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail, simple but elegant.  As she approached the bar in the corner of the entry hall, she only saw Sarah’s back, as Sarah chatted with Alexis behind the bar.

While Alexis continued to chat with Sarah, her hands poured various liquids from various bottles into a shaker to her left.  All the while, Alexis let her eyes match Silvia’s now and then.   When Silvia was about five feet from the bar, Sarah finally noticed Alexis’ look and turned around on her bar stool to see what was behind her.

For a few seconds, Silvia and Sarah simply stared at one another.    Then there was a sudden distraction.

It was the sound of cocktail shaker being aggressively rattled.  “Have a seat, Silvia.  Look who’s here” Alexis said, using the shaker to point at the stool next to Sarah.

Biting her lower lip, Silvia nodded and sat down where Alexis indicated.    She then raised her face to look at Sarah.     It was like the years had vanished and they really were sitting in that coffee shop they used to go to.   Happier times.

 Before all the recriminations.  Before all the pain.

Before the silence.

“You know,” Alexis told the both of them, “if I am the only one going to be talking, I’m going to start singing.  And no one wants that.”   She then set cocktail napkins before each of the other two ladies and put a large bowl glass on the one in front of Sarah.  Into this she poured a rather purplish liquid from the shaker.  

Both Silvia and Sarah snort laughed, as Sarah picked up her glass to sip.   “Please don’t”, she said before taking a drink.   Licking her lips and setting the glass on the napkin, she told Alexis “Wonderful as always, Alexis.   You remembered.”

Alexis winked at Sarah and proceeded to mix another drink.   “Of course I did, Hon.  It hasn’t been that long.”  Alexis told her, then shifted her gaze to Silvia, “Has it, Siliva?”

Silvia suddenly looked up at Alexis and then over to Sarah.   Tears half formed in her eyes, she told the both of them “Too Long.  Way too long.”   And then placed her hand on the edge of the bar next to Sarah.  Sarah stared at the hand and with little hesitation, placed Her’s on top of Silvia’s.

Alexis placed the second finished cocktail in front of Silvia and then placed her hand on top of theirs.   It was large enough to cover both of theirs.   Squeezing hard so they could both feel the calluses from Alexis’ construction work.  “I’m telling you both, silence or crying means endless verses of ‘Henery The Eighth I am’.”

3 months ago. June 21, 2024 at 2:55 PM

The phone on Silvia’s desk chirped it’s ring tone.   Sighing heavily, Silvia rose from the couch, leaving the side of the man tied up on it.   She padded over to the desk, pushed the speaker phone button and said “This is Silvia.”


From the phone came a voice Silva knew very well: “Child, please come to my office.”


“Now?” she replied, glancing over at the bound and gagged man.


“Now.” The voice said and then the call disconnected. 


Silvia frowned at the phone and then turned her frown at the man.   She then strode over to the man and reached behind his head to unlatch the ball gag.  “I’m sorry, sweet man, but duty calls” she told him, as she set the gag on side table and picked up her set of safety scissors to cut the bindings holding his wrists and ankles.  


She didn’t want to keep the voice waiting and the knots would take too long.


Leaving the man to get fully out of the ropes, Silvia went to her closet and put on a green Kimmo and left the room, closing her office door behind her.   Hurrying down the hall, her bare feet making no noise on the carpet, she tapped on the door to the office next to hers and entered without waiting for a reply.


Once in the office, she saw the owner of the voice sitting at the bank of monitors that kept track of everything that went on in The Club.   The ebony face of Madam Webb turned toward Silvia and greeted her with a tight smile.    The smile faded some when Webb looked Silvia over from head to toe.   Locking eyes, the perplexity changed to questioning with a raised single eyebrow.


“I was engaged, Ma’am.” Silvia explained while she curtsied and approached Webb the managing partner of The Club. 


Madam Webb grunted and turned her attention back to the monitors.    “I’m sorry to interrupt your playtime, child, but I thought this is something you should see.”  Webb pointed at one of the monitors and then rolled her chair back so Silvia could take a closer look at the image displayed there.


Silvia walked over to the monitors and peered at the one Webb had indicated.   It was the outside camera covering the front door of The Club.   Standing there, looking straight at the camera was someone Silvia had been looking for, for some time.  


“Sarah”, Madam Webb’s voice floated from behind Silvia.


Silvia stared at the screen for a few seconds, puckering her lips in and out, then she picked up the phone to her ear and pushed a button.  Barely two rings whirred before a voice said “Yes?”


“Asheer, Please escort the lady at the front door over to Alexis.  I’ll be there in two minutes.   I’ll take responsibility for her”


Asheer’s simply replied “Yes, M’Lady” and disconnected.


Putting the phone down and turning, Silvia leaned on the edge of the desk.  She ran her hand through her hair and over her face and glanced over to Webb.   She saw Webb giving her a concerned look of sympathy.    Silvia dropped her hands and shook her head. “No,” she told her friend and Mentor, “I need to do this.”    With this final declaration, left the room to head back to her own office.

3 months ago. June 21, 2024 at 12:57 AM





My current Avatar I made many a month ago.


Deal with it

3 months ago. June 14, 2024 at 11:55 PM


Yes this is really me.   


Yes, I disappeared for no apparent reason. 


No I don't wish to discuss it.


Save for this:


Thank you for those that reached out to me to check on how I was doing. 

That meant a great deal to me!


The rest I do not wish to discuss.


I will say I did miss the friends I have made here and look forward to renewing those that deserve it


Others, not so much.




6 months ago. March 23, 2024 at 11:53 PM






Be Wary of Which You Gaze


Sometimes it Gazes Back......

6 months ago. March 21, 2024 at 6:57 PM





         I am shamelessly thieving this challenge from another blogger, because I think it would be               much more fun to see everyone's possible response.  


         So the idea is to name what it is you would like to taste most directly off your Lover's body




My Answer:




6 months ago. March 19, 2024 at 6:30 PM




6 months ago. March 15, 2024 at 2:12 PM



I don't know what is going on with me today.


I can't seem to connect to anything going on around me.   Am I too emotionally exhausted from yesterday's writing, cuz there is another story burbling in my brain but does not want to come out.  


There is a sub I might like to write on here but nothing witty is at my fingertips to start a conversation with.  Plus there is a detail that concerns me.   


My card games are off.   But part of that is FUCKING MORONS for partners in Spades.  


Even my solitaire is not working.    


It is days like this I need to force a subbie to all fours,  grab her shoulders and stuff myself in a hole and pump til I can pull out and finish up with my load on her back.   Then throw a towel on her and tell her to clean herself up. 


And it isn't even 10 am yet.

