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Tersely Pertinent

This is some of my writings from over time. A good deal of it will talk about Old School type of D/s. There aren't a lot of us who still deal in it, but think of it as hieroglyphics. There is wisdom in places one would never think to look.....

It is also the home of my writings. The main writing is that of Sylvia, a woman who is introduced to the lifestyle through a friend to a man who expanded her world.
8 months ago. October 3, 2023 at 3:12 PM

This is going to be a rather long post.   But it does include pictures, so sit back and enjoy the ride:


I made a new Toy!


So when I showed off the new handle for the redo of the handle for my BearClaw, Fluffypoppet (you can blame her for this) somewhat challenged me to make something stiffer than the leather base.   And after some thought, I decided a paddle would work with the claws and fur.   So I bought some parts and went down to my work area and puttered around.


The first step was choosing the paddle.   I tried to have one custom made but the manufacturer never got back to me, so I looked around and found these on Amazon:


Perfectly acceptable but I did not make sure of the size before paying for them :


Cei La Vie.... I went ahead with my project just the same.


Attaching the screws for the claws was somewhat tough.  My original plan was to drill and set in some hanger bolts, but the claws are 3mm screws.    You can't find 3mm hanger bolts here in the US.    A dear friend of mine down in Australia (Sincourable is such a dear) found some on Amazon UK but I didn't want to pay that kind of shipping).   

So I went through a number of adhesives to glue the screw to the edge of the paddle:


After a number of tries, I found that simple superglue worked the best.   Hot gluing, spray and wood glue all failed the tests of pressure on wood, my own chest and spanking against my hand.   So added the rest of the screws to my test paddle:



I sanded and wiped them down and then went with a solid black stain with a polyurethane self coat on one and simple black paint on the other:


As you can see from the photo,  the black stain didn't come out so well, so I went to the test paddle and coated it with a spray polyurethane:


After that properly dried, I cut some fake rabbit fur (I thought about using real fur, but just could not bring myself to do it):



and using the spray adhesive, attached it to the paddle:



Now fully dried, here is the final product!   Anyone who wants to be a testor for it, please let me know!




Purĕ​(sub female){♥︎loved} - if Topek wasn't soooo far away 🫢
8 months ago
shebakesalot​(sub female) - OoooOooooh 😍🐾
8 months ago
fluffypoppet​(sub female){Protected} - It looks so good!!
8 months ago
erzascarlet​(sub female) - May i ask what is the long one on the side it looks almost like a draon tail but silcone?
8 months ago
TopekaDom​(dom male) - Yes. It is a short singletail with a knob on the end. At least some very nasty marks.
8 months ago
bigandsmall​(sub female) - That is very well done. You were tenacious in completing your goal. I appreciate that. Since it is a paddle do the claws go really.deep and how big is the wound?
8 months ago
TopekaDom​(dom male) - I don't plan on paddling with the cloth side as towards the butt. The claws are meant to do scratching motions with the fur side against back stomach breasts thighs. You know what have you. I plan on just paddling with just the blank side.
8 months ago
ButterfliesAndCuffs​(sub female) - Oh that toy looks like it would give some interesting sensations….the softness and then the sharp. Then flip it around for a whack with the paddle side. Nice combination!
8 months ago

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