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Tersely Pertinent

This is some of my writings from over time. A good deal of it will talk about Old School type of D/s. There aren't a lot of us who still deal in it, but think of it as hieroglyphics. There is wisdom in places one would never think to look.....

It is also the home of my writings. The main writing is that of Sylvia, a woman who is introduced to the lifestyle through a friend to a man who expanded her world.
8 months ago. October 8, 2023 at 3:15 PM

"My God, Sarah!  It was like being wrapped in a warm blanket and then then everything went all white!"  Silvia remarked to her friend across the table at the coffee shop.

There they were at the same place where Sarah had put Matt's number Silvia's phone.   Here is was 6 months later and Silvia could not believe how fast the time had gone.   She had been learning under His tutorship and her life was wonderful!   

Silvia had been learning so many things:  How to serve Matt drinks and food, how to lay out his clothes for the day, how to fill his pipe and light same.   Her ability to kneel before him was now second nature.   Silvia even taught herself how to get up from a kneel to her feet without using her hands on the floor.

All of this she confided to Sarah and continued to thank her for bringing her and Matt together.   Sarah just smiled and sipped her coffee, letting Silvia gush over her words.    When Silvia finally seemed to run out of word, Sarah put down her mug and took Silvia's hand in her's.

"I'm so glad you are learning what you need to, Silvia.  Matt taught me many of the same things and, yes, He is a wonderful man.  I'm also happy you are giving him your best.  Like I told you to."  Sarah let go of her hand and picked up her mug again.  Bringing to to her lips, Sarah asked "Has he tested you yet?   A real Test?"

Silvia gave her a puzzled look and replied "Test?"

Setting the mug back on the table, Sarah nodded and said "Yes.  He is going to test your loyalty and will power.   He wants to tease you and see how you respond.  Oh it won't be something big and he won't punish you badly if you fail, but He will push your buttons. "  Sarah picked up the mug and sipped again with a cream in the whiskers look on her grin.

Silvia drank her coffee without looking at Sarah.   Her thoughts were lost in the swirling darkness in her own mug.  Test?   What could it be?   What should she do.  Or not do?   Christ, things get complicated so fast, she thought to herself.   Maybe Sarah can help.

She set her mug down in front of her and looked Sarah in the eye, saying "Well He did give me a task today.  He wants to take me to this club for the first time to show me off, I think.    He told me to get a new dress.  Something green.   He says my skin tone looks the best in green.   What do you think?"

Sarah's eyes went wide and asked " Söt­­ëria?"

Silvia nodded and said "I think that is what He said.

Her friend giggled.  "You are stepping up girlfriend!   He is proud of you, if he is going to introduce to everyone there.  Now is your chance to show some initiative!   Forget the green.  Red is Matt's signature color.  If you want to show everyone there how much you belong to Him, get yourself a red dress.   Dark red."

Silvia absently nodded while going over Sarah's words in her mind.    She did want to belong to Matt, even though she was not officially collared yet.   She wanted to make him proud and be a centerpiece in His world. 

The girls talk moved into other areas.  Some lifestyle, some vanilla, until Silvia looked at her watch and noticed she just had time to look at dresses and get back to Matt's house outside of town, before dinner.  Thanking Sarah for the advice, Silvia kissed her on the cheek and said goodbye.

Getting into her car, Silvia drove over to the dress shop Matt had suggested.   It was a small out of the way place and she almost missed it while looking for a place to park.    The front window showed three dresses in various colors.   The one in the middle was an emerald green.   After looking at it awhile, Silvia turned and opened the door.

Once inside, she saw dresses of all kinds: Formal, everyday, even french maid outfits.   Silvia looked through a number of them when a salesperson  approached her with the common "May I help you find something?"

Silvia held up a wonderful looking formal dress.   Low neckline and plunging back.  "Yes," she replied, "Do you have something like this in red?"

"Dark Red?" 



MsDove​(sub female){Eternal Pi} - Hmmmm... more please.
8 months ago
TopekaDom​(dom male) - I will in a week or so.
8 months ago

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