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Tersely Pertinent

This blog is a place for me to post things to get them out of my head.

My writings give a hint of the way I view the lifestyle, both good and bad.

My projects give my hands something to do, when my writing fails me.
1 month ago. July 29, 2024 at 7:17 PM



The Subject laid there, as best as she could, trying to catch her breath.


Even with her ass up in the air and her bowel filled with a still warm liquid, her hands down by her feet, and a leash tied to a collar around her neck and then to a spreader bar between her ankles, she felt like a two gallon puddled in a one gallon pohole.

And having an ice cold speculum holding her pussy open and touched off with an electric wand didn't help.


As her breathing quieted down, she could feel The Man's hand stroke her hair and mermer into hear ear.  Focusing enough to listen to his words, she heard Him trying to get her to do something.  "....didn't want to do that...."  His voice was getting clearer.

"But my employers do need that code. I don't want to hurt you, but you are just being stubborn.  Why not give me the code and we can end all this. "  He told her while continuing to stroke her hair.  "You do want this to be over don't you?    You don't want to continue to suffer like this."

The Subject moaned slightly and tried to shake her head.   She didn't want to give in.  She didn't want The Man to win.  Most of all, she didn't want Him to win.   No matter what she had to take,  He couldn't win.

Sighing heavily, The Man gave her a final pat on the head and once again trailed his hand down her to her ass.   This He gave a firm slap, causing the the tube leading to anus to shake.   Then all at once, she felt the pressure of the speculum suddenly ease and the evil thing removed from her cunt. 

She relaxed as much as she could.  At least some of the pressure was gone, she thought.    Then she heard a familiar buzzing sound and felt a vibration on the inside of her left leg.   "Perhaps the pain is not something you fear then.   How do you feel about pleasure?"   He taunted her, as the vibration moved to inbetween her legs.

"Oh God, No!  Please No!"  She pleaded to herself.   "Please not now!  Please, please, PLEASE!"   But outwardly, she let no sound escape her mouth, as the head of the magic wand moved up and down the lips of her vulva.   The Subject tried to move away from the wand, by she could not get far, trussed up as she was. 

"There, there now." The man cooed to her.  "This isn't going to hurt you one bit."

Her breathing began to get heavy again.  She tried to slow it, to fight off the coming orgasum.  But the feeling was too great!   A few more seconds and she would explode in the bright lights and release!   "I've lost" she almost to herself.

Then the vibration withdrew....


"Oh God, not that!  NOT THAT!"  The Subject screamed in her head!


After a minute, the vibration returned.  Up and down each lip.  Around and over her clit.    The sinsation never centered.   It was always moving her vulva.   Then The Man would run it over her ass cheeks and around the plug filled anus.  While He did this, He would run the fingers of his other hand over her pussy, often making "yum yum" sounds while licking his fingers in-between strokes.

But always as she was about to cum, he would stop.   The subject lost count of times she was about to cross over because of that.    Her tears began to flow again.

"Please, no more!  I can't take it anymore!" She begged of him.   The vibration finally centered on her clit.   Then there was a slap on her ass.  "What," He started, "is the code?  Only he punctuated each word with a harder and harder slap on her ass!

"4132" The subject told him and began to cry again.  She lost and now she was going to get her reward.

"NOW!"  The Man screamed at her!

Her body shook as her orgasum overcame her.    Muscles clenched and a great sensation of pure heaven flooded her body.  All the tension escaped her and her consciousness faded....


When she awoke, she was freed from spreader bar and cuffs.   Her arms were laying curled up under her head and she discovered herself covered in a warm blanket.   Her eyes fluttered open and found her Master looking at her with some concern.  

"Hi," she whispered to Him.

"Hi back" He returned, "You put up a fight this time."

"Almost.  But you still won." 

Her Master smiled and leaned down to kiss her on the forehead.

"Just one thing though,"  She said as she blinked her shining orbs at him.

"Yes, My Love?"

"Could you take this fucking tube out of my asshole so I can take a dump somewhere?" 











Sincorrigible​(sub female) - Laughing!!! Love it. That brought many an old scene to mind. Thank you for that 💜💜💜
1 month ago
I'mME - 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣

1 month ago

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