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Tersely Pertinent

This blog is a place for me to post things to get them out of my head.

My writings give a hint of the way I view the lifestyle, both good and bad.

My projects give my hands something to do, when my writing fails me.
5 days ago. September 23, 2024 at 11:05 AM



The people here at The Cage have provided all us users with a fantastic place to express our thoughts, loves, hates, and what all.   Within reason, we can post what we want and how we want.


But some of you all are not making the best of it.


Yes, it is your blog and, really, it should be a reflection of you.   You should be able to say what it is you want to say (again, within reason) but you need to think on how you want to say it.

Now I am not talking about sentences structure or word choice, as not everyone here uses the same language.  What I am talking about is appearance.


Cage developers have provided us with a number of fonts and colors to choose from.  You don't have to use the 12 point Alef font in black.   In my not so humble opinion, that shit is hard on the eyes.   Specially when you have a 15 to 20 line paragraph.   When I start someone's blog and see that, I give up and move along without comment or thought.


Now if you are like me, you were taught that a proper paragraph is at least 4 lines.    But I learned that years ago, before the invention of the internet.   Way before the invention of the cell phone.   

In today's writing place, you need to think about how your words show up on different devices.    I often save my blog posts to a draft or inactive to see how it shows on either my cell or my laptop (I don't have a tablet).   Long ass paragraphs show really badly on cells.


Having a blog means you want people to see it.    Part of getting people to read your thoughts is to present them in a way they enjoy reading them.    Make it a chore and people won't bother.


You're Welcome.


Now go write Something


Blondie​(sub female){Collared} - I tend to be the same way. And let’s face it, I get impatient when reading super long blogs and just quit.
5 days ago
yunacloud​(masochist female) - Now,what to write ? 🤔
5 days ago
TopekaDom​(dom male) - Write about anything you want! That is what a blog is for!
5 days ago
GingerSpiced​(sub female){MJimT} - And yet... what nuggets are missed if you move along to fast. Where is the fun in that? Sometimes it isn't about the sentence structure so much as the message itself.
Some of us are typo challenged ✌️. Doesn't denote our intelligence in the slightest. I think I can speak for us when I say if you didn't want to read our pong ass paragraphs that's ok with us but your loss 😜🤔😁💯
5 days ago
I'mME - Yet another, sign o times/decay.
3 days ago
Hisproclivity​(sub female) - Hello, interesting blog. You state "not everyone here uses the same language. What I am talking about is appearance."

Please note different languages ofen exhibit different grammer, punctuation, and text alignment. Your blog is riddled with incorrect grammar, spellings, and spacing. You don't follow any American literary spacing or grammer. I disagree with your blog stating "But some of you all are not making the best of it."

It is art and they are artists; they are making the best of it. Maybe not by your lens. Before you throw stones, please look into your own writings as maybe they feel the same about your own blog literature.
12 hours ago
TopekaDom​(dom male) - Maybe you should get the gist of it all:


Some people just have to have things explained to them like they are 5 years old.
2 hours ago

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