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TopekaDom​(dom male)Verified Account

Tersely Pertinent

This blog is a place for me to post things to get them out of my head.

My writings give a hint of the way I view the lifestyle, both good and bad.

My projects give my hands something to do, when my writing fails me.
1 week ago. December 15, 2024 at 2:55 PM



You are spending your time reading this.   Here it is a perfectly good Sunday morning and here you are wasting your time reading this absolutely useless blog in this teeny tiny font on this white ass background.  I bet you had to get a magnifying glass to read this shit.   I mean I wish I had something really important to say, but here I am just costing you lifespan to see what the fuck I am rambling about  and it is shit.    So now you are stuck having to read the entire thing hoping beyond hope that I will indeed have something to say that might make a meaningful change in your life.   Sadly, that shit isn't happening.   I am just sitting here allowing my meandering thought patterns to bounce to and fro and letting them run down my brain into my dick but them back up again and down my arms to my fingers to be allowed to put on this electronic page, thus forcing you to endure more pain and suffering of continuing to put up with this utter nonsense.    I do hope the rest of your Sunday is going well, besides being stuck reading all this.    Really, I can't believe you have stuck with it this far.   I mean you must be a real masochist to keep this shit up.   Why haven't you safeworded by now?    Are you one of those who never uses it and thinks they can outlast the Sadist?   Well fuck that noise, Batman.   I can keep this up all day, to mix my comic references.   You think I am kidding?    Just test me, bitch. I'll keep dishing this shit out while you are crying in the corner.   So where was I?  Oh yes, have you ever wondered why kittens are so god damn cute?    I used to but really don't think about it anymore, just accept the fact they are.  It makes the world a much more fuzzy warm place with cute fluffy kittens bouncing all over the place.   Now don't get me wrong, pupper dogs are very cute too, but I think kittens are much more cute.  Now hamsters?  Not so much.   I never been really fond of hamsters.     But that is just me.    Maybe penguins, but not armadillos.  Sorry, I have to draw the line at somewhere.      I might agree on hedgehogs, but I will have to think on that.    Why aren't you safewording yet?   After all this you should have, really.      I mean don't make me talk about my comics.   I will if you make me.         

SubmissiveScorpion​(sub female){Ascending} - I have actual tears from laughing so hard
1 week ago
JenX - LMAO!! 🤣🤣🤣
1 week ago
Bluebanana​(masochist female) - Just spent my work break reading that. Lovely thanks for that 😂
Had hamsters once. They bred, making lots of baby hamsters. I agree not so cute
1 week ago
Blondie​(sub female){Collared}Verified Account - 🤣🤣🤣
1 week ago
LongerJohnny​(dom male){B&C}Verified Account - It was right around "Here it is a perfectly good Sunday morning and here you are wasting your time..." when I realized you were absolutely right. It was also right around the same time that a migraine started to kiss the ass of my eyes. So lucky coincidence.
1 week ago
lambsoneVerified Account - Very cool!
1 week ago
lambsoneVerified Account - I'm glad I went to church before reading this.
1 week ago
DidiRN​(sub female)Verified Account - OMG I needed this laugh!!
1 week ago
B L O N D I E​(sub female) - You sadistic bastard.
1 week ago
TopekaDom​(dom male)Verified Account - You say that like it is a bad thing
1 week ago
B L O N D I E​(sub female) - "Why aren't you safewording yet?" I loved that. Nice touch.
1 week ago
aliljaded​(sub female) - I stayed committed all the way to the end, and it was worth it!
1 week ago
TopekaDom​(dom male)Verified Account - And you didn't even safeword.

I am depressed.
1 week ago
aliljaded​(sub female) - "PINEAPPLE!!!!"
1 week ago
Ingénue{VK} - Tldr.
1 week ago
I'mME - I didn't finish reading. You beating your head against the wall, Topeka.


I get it.

1 week ago

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