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Emotional Domination

There are 4 main types (and each of them bleed into one another on varying levels) of domination:


Which one do you prefer to practice and why?
11 months ago. May 28, 2023 at 11:28 PM




Nobody tells you when you start to heal how much of your unhealthy you will get to see on a regular basis.


Nobody tells you how uncomfortable it is to witness the past through a lens today that has learned better.


Nobody tells you how painful it can be to witness so many ways you have made yourself small to please others.


Nobody tells you how being in a relationship with someone presses on so many of those wounds of feeling like not enough while also simultaneously feeling like too much.


Nobody mentions how sad it is to sit and consider all of the ways you have allowed others to define who you should be, how you should show up just so you would not feel so alone.


Nobody tells you how finding your voice after discovering how little of it you have been allowed to have by yourself is a MAJOR uphill battle that is incredibly frightening.


Nobody tells you that feelings of safety are rare until you wade through the discomfort of your mechanisms to silence the demons.


Nobody tells you how lonely it can be to see those whom you thought were for you were actually part of the problem.


Nobody tells you how daunting it can be to have to walk away from family members who will not respect your boundaries no matter how often you ask them to. 


Nobody tells you how to be interdependent with those around you. Learning how without a role model can be exhausting and wrought with not a few set backs.


Nobody mentions the times you allow a codependent mindset, choice, or belief to live how deeply you suffer for doing so once you have realized how empty that form of attachment truly is.


Nobody tells you how many people will now refuse to speak with you because you are no longer open to just 'giving them what they want' to make them happy.


Nobody tells you how disheartening it is to realize how little people actually care about your well-being and health. Though you truly care for theirs.


Nobody speaks about the moments you have while healing where you feel totally lost, confused, unsure and wish you had someone there to reassure you that you are on the correct path.


Nobody talks about seeing your darkness and being scared to death that you might actually die or end your own life out of shame for what you discover while finding your voice.


Nobody discusses the level of fear that rises up repeatedly seeking to convince you to give up and go back to what is 'safe' in your mechanisms while you are trying to be courageous and choose a different path to have a different outcome.


Nobody mentions how seeing yourself and your poor mechanisms can build a huge amount of guilt that is not so fun to navigate.


Nobody discusses how much you long for someone to 'save' you from the pain, discomfort, misery, fear.......and how realizing that your longing here creates a depth of shame for running away from your inner child.


Nobody shares with you how witnessing the cruelty at your own hands towards your own inner child more often that not is a paralyzing space.


Nobody talks about how there is literally no one around you that is willing to hold a space for you just to rage, or cry, or fall apart, or be scared, or just emote however you need to.


Nobody discusses how, as you heal you begin to see all the patterns of those closest to you that are not healthy for you and that can cause you to feel even more isolated and abandoned.


Nobody tells you how awful it is to truly be able to see and admit to yourself how often we have abandoned ourselves.


Nobody tells you, except for right here, right now how brave you are to fight to be better.


Nobody tells you, except for right here, right now, they are proud of you for not giving up even though you definitely have moments when you do and want to.


Nobody tells you, except for right here, right now, it is ok to give yourself permission to be terrified. To be scared to death. And you are no less on the journey to healing than anyone else.


Nobody tells you, except for right here, right now, you do not have to have it altogether to be better today than you were yesterday.


Nobody tells you, except for right here, right now, you are allowed to feel like a mess. Chaotic. And are every bit worthy to be cared for.....most of all by yourself.


Nobody tells you, except for right here, right now, this battle is a battle about loving you. ALL of you. That others, your fears, what you learned when you were a child from your caretakers, about how you could not be received. About how you were not allowed to take up space. About how you should be seen and not heard does NOT have to be your truth for you today. Today YOU get to choose a different way of seeing, loving, caring for yourself. And you do not need ANYONES approval, acceptance, validation, permission to love every piece of you in your uniqueness.


Nobody tells you, except for right here, right now, it is time. Time to embrace your scared, lost, lonely inner child and hug them. Speak gently. Reassuringly. Calmly. Patiently. Kindly to them as you seek to find a voice that is yours. A voice that no longer is silent, or pacified by empty promises. A voice that holds others accountable to their actions as well as their words. A voice that is longing to be heard and recognized instead of ignored.



If no one has told you. No one has said so. No one has reassured you. No one has reminded you. No one has mentioned. No one has discussed with you. No one has spoken to you with encouragement.

Allow me to say this as loudly or as gently as you may need......


You are allowed.


Allowed to be human.

Allowed to not have all the answers.

Allowed to be lost but searching.

Allowed to be frightened but brave.

Allowed to take up all the space you feel you need to as you navigate your deconditioning.

Allowed to be angry.

Allowed to feel hurt.

Allowed to be upset at all the ways you have been neglected, especially from yourself.

Allowed to ask for help and be received.

Allowed to have a space held for you from those whom can earn your trust.

Allowed to express your voice.

Allowed to be loved.

Allowed to be met.

Allowed to be seen.

Allowed to be heard.


Mostly, and most importantly, by your own self.

I encourage you to stop giving away your power. To quit listening to anyone who does not allow you to be you, or who has a problem with how much space you take up. 


If no one has told you......

You are magical.

The world needs you. A realized, awakened, divine, emotionally mature you that owns your power, gifts, and voice.

And everything in-between now and that realized moment is a helluva ride and scary journey. You are no less magical, no less valuable, no less necessary as you travel the path to arrive. In fact, your journey is someone else's inspiration.


If no one has told you.....

You are safe to be you. Right here. Right now. And those who cannot receive were not meant for them. But you do not EVER water yourself down again because you love yourself enough to never allow such a travesty to exist any further.


I sincerely and honestly hope you discover your precious voice, no matter how small you may feel it is, today.







Drago and Amethyst 


Vacquero one​(dom male) - This is the very reason why the lifestyle is a blessing. I am nota bad person but the quest for excellence as A Dominant keeps me humble, working on myself always and being the person that my One can look up too. Your words and Works have effect. At least on me .
11 months ago
DaddyDrago{LilAmethys} - As your journey is an Inspiration to me as well as others!
Thank you cowboy!
11 months ago
Alphasubforhim​(sub female) - ❤️ amazing, thank you!
11 months ago
duchessbutterfly​(sub female){NotLooking} - Beautiful! I needed to read this today. Sometimes knowing you're not alone in your feelings is everything.
11 months ago
PlutoOrange - best topologists, D and A. love you guys
11 months ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+☕} - Nobody tells you how, as you start to heal and as you start to see your past behaviors for the other side, how.much grace you will have to give yourself for simply surviving.

Nobody tells you that as you give yourself grace, you start to feel how.much lighter you are.

Nobody tells you that as you heal, give yourself grace, and feel lighter....that the act of forgiving yourself becomes easier and easier over time until it's the FIRST thing you do, not the last. ❤️
11 months ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+☕} - Drago, as usual, I reread your blogs and always find something I missed. I saw this and I wanted to ask for your guidance and wisdom:

"A voice that holds others accountable to their actions as well as their words."

How do you accomplish this in a healthy way? How do you hold someone accountable while allowing them their own journey? How to you do so without falling back into the trap of lashing out, being passive-aggressive, or any other unhealthy way? How do you own your own feelings while yet holding someone else accountable? What language do you use? This is an area I'm struggling in. I feel like I'm bumbling it, every time.

And when do you know that it is better to just walk away and let them be because of the feel that while trying to hold them accountable, you might fall into trying to "fix" them?

11 months ago
PlutoOrange - I thought the whole point of this post is that noone can tell you that. Its our lives and our mistakes to live and heavy prices we pay for it 🤔
11 months ago
LilAmethyst​(sub female){DaddyDrago} - Comment deleted by poster.
11 months ago
DaddyDrago{LilAmethys} - How do you accomplish this in a healthy way?

By knowing your own boundaries. Because boundaries are actually for YOU. No one else.

How do you hold someone accountable while allowing them their own journey?

I will give you an easy example.
Brats and me. You know how I feel. What some of my boundaries are for ME. And, you know how I have held you accountable to YOUR behavior. I have not let you use being a brat as a mechanism to be cruel right? Of course that is your right should you decide to do so. But then, it would be my right to distance myself from you because you are dangerous to yourself firstly. It is NOT that I would need to be mean or dismissive. It's that I know what you have expressed is good for you. If your actions did not align with what you said I would simply allow you your if you and I were socially close as your friend I might mention it in passing as something that is harming you or is duplicitous. But I am not invested in walking your journey for you. Nor does your actions have anything to do with me. I get to realize the painful it must be for you to be taking actions against your own self where you have expressed you want different and better. Holding you accountable is not to save me from your pain or how your pain affects me (which in many cases others pain would affect us) because I am going to be ok no matter what. I get to tune in and understand that for you to be crossing your own internal boundaries you must be scared to death. I know what that feels like and I get to be gracious.
When someone's actions close to us are actually bleeding all over us there is simply a myriad of choices we have to make. Often, especially with family we have limited choices but to accept it. But we do not have to do so cruelly. We can understand they are just hurting. Lashing out of their pain all the same. Even if they can not and may never see it. Because who is to say that by our grace they may not see their own error? Most people expect to be judged. Or lashed out upon. Because that's what they do to themselves (ask me how I know!). The most cruel and mean people are usually that way to themselves. They are miserable and loathe themselves. As they treat others so is their inner dialogue. IF they even notice!!
Knowing this truth allows your heart to be activated and not your emotions. I will tell you a secret......when we want to lash out, be defensive, or passive aggressive that's how we talk to ourselves. We have not yet learned to be gracious when to ourselves when we are duplicitous in our eyes. Part of our healing is that we start to see where we are not holding ourselves accountable to our own boundaries and we become militant in the way we treat ourselves when we perceive we have failed. No big shock we treat others similarly! The key is to do exactly as you expressed, to remember grace FIRST. It is NOT that we have some switch we flip to be perfect. That will never be real. It is that we are human and have room for improvement. When WE actually and honestly begin to treat ourselves this way......we THEN can do so towards others as well.

How do you own your own feelings while yet holding someone else accountable? What language do you use?

I am feeling hurt by what you just did/said. Now, that hurt is mine, I will deal with it. But in transparency and because I value our relationship I wanted to express my hurt, not to accuse you.....but just to be honest that I felt some kind of way.

How someone responds to that will show you exactly whether you are able to continue any relationship with them. Friend or otherwise. Because someone who values your relationship and emotional awareness will receive your words and express gratitude for them. They MAY also express their desire to not hurt you. They MAY express moving forward they will be more mindful of how you feel here. If they do not then you get to decide if you desire to continue the type of relationship you currently have with them. Because sometimes when others are not willing to be mindful that you are trying to grow they are the biggest hindrance. And you MAY need to take a step back for YOU. It is NOT that they are a bad human or horrible, awful, cruel. It may just be that you have and are growing in a direction they are unwilling or unable at the moment to go with you or support you in. That is NOT a crime. It is just where they find themselves. That may hurt you. You may not like that and wish for different. It you know as well as I do that pleasing others never gets you to where you want to be in your growth.
People are allowed to not travel the road you are going down. But only YOU can decide to keep going all the same. Even if you leave them where they are.

And when do you know that it is better to just walk away and let them be because of the feel that while trying to hold them accountable, you might fall into trying to "fix" them?

Fixing someone is an evidence that we personally still believe others can fix us as well. If only we had a partner. If only someone would care for us in this way.
Again, not evil thoughts. But codependent.
Our journeys are ours alone.
The moment we start feeling we can "fix" someone it is a dead giveaway to us that we need to let go. Walk away. Because that energy will only cause all parties to continue an incredibly unhealthy pattern.
11 months ago
LilAmethyst​(sub female){DaddyDrago} - ALL OF WHAT HE SAID ❤️🔥🥰❤️🔥🥰❤️🔥🥰❤️🔥🥰
11 months ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+☕} - Riiiight! Holy crap! *Reflects back on a particular situation I'm dealing with*
11 months ago
PlutoOrange - thank you!
11 months ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+☕} - Drago, thank you!!! This is a lot to digest and as always, your perception of a current situation I'm facing (current as in the last 24hrs) is astounding, timely, AND reassuring. I expressed that I feel like Im bumbling the process, and yet, the language I used just before reading this to handle that situation, is NEARLY word for word!!!! It gives me hope and encouragement to "stay the course". That while uncomfortable as hell and while I FEEL like I'm bumbling things, I'm not. Not really. I just need a little more refining of language.

In the first half of your statement, I'll admit to being a bit lost. You said, "And you know how I have held you accountable for YOUR behavior.". I'm wondering if you could define for me your definition of "accountable" because I cannot, for the life of me, recall a single I stance when you have expressed displeasure at a single thing I have done against you. We have discussed our OPINIONS on matters and yes, sometimes they differ, but we each accept each other's right to have a different perception. Amethyst, I can remember ONE TIME with you where you had to set a boundary with me. It was a boundary I was unaware of and you corrected that lack of knowledge. I apologized and that was the end of it. Is it possible that we have two different definitions of "accountable"?

"for you to be crossing your own internal boundaries you must be scared to death."....

That is a very emotionally impactful statement, at least to me. Brats are filled to the brim with fear! It's what motivates EVERYTHING we do! It also motivates everything we DONT do. For Brats, it's the heart of emotional disregulation. It's why I say the word BRAT should be an acronym rather than a word. A (B)io-social (R)esponse (A)fter (T)rauma. We feel our fear in levels that are so deep that even WE can blind to it. It looks like pain, anger, defensiveness, cruelty, disagreeableness, resistance, sadness, hyperactivity, laughter, playfulness, boisterousness...all of it. It's all fear masked in an attempt to connect. Afraid to move forward. Afraid of sliding back. Afraid of being trapped. Afraid of being given too much freedom. Death seems to be the only thing we AREN't afraid of because in death, there is no fear. It also makes it hard for us to mourn with others to a degree that seems socially appropriate. (My mental train just took a hard! I blame lack of caffeine.).
11 months ago
DaddyDrago{LilAmethys} - I'm wondering if you could define for me your definition of "accountable" because I cannot, for the life of me, recall a single I stance when you have expressed displeasure at a single thing I have done against you.

SBD. You have not done anything against me!!! Even if you had I would not see it as such......
Accountability to ME is say you are an honest person.....okay, then when you say you are scared to tell someone the truth, especially if it is with me, I'm gonna call you out.
I remember a conversation we had a LONG time ago where you were using language such as you have above..... Brats are filled to the brim with fear! It's what motivates EVERYTHING we do! It also motivates everything we DONT do. Yet, you were saying you were tired of being afraid. You were also saying how you wanted to be free from the fears that have a choke hold on you.
You see the conundrum? As someone who considers you a friend I want to hold you accountable to what serves your best self. What will make you the best version of you? The ONLY thing as a friend I have is to hold you accountable to your own words. To your own spoken desire. I can neither make you, force you, scream at you to see where you are being blinded, nor can I create the path before you that you must walk. At the time, the conversation was around, if that is what a Brat is, fear, when you do not desire to be led by fear and wish to be free from it......what will you be on the other side of that fear? Because it will not be a Brat. The conversation was also around why I do not subscribe to allowing someone in my care to stay in this Brat phase in their life.
You know why?
Because fear is the opposite of love. Fear detonates self-love. It is full of judgment. Self-loathing. Self-hatred. And seeks to keep you ignorant and 'helpless'. When the honesty is you have all the power within your own hands to receive yourself. To do the work to heal. To be gracious like no one else has been towards your pain, fears, and insecurities. Perfect love casts out fear. When we reach a level of acceptance of ourselves fear no longer has a hold. Love does. That's what grace is. The disposition to impart forgiveness, compassion, mercy where it is needed but not necessarily comfortable. When love is let in to those rooms we do not want to look in within our being.....light comes in and fills areas we have hidden away. Fear flees in the presence of love. They can NOT coexist. Oh, no one is ever saying you will not hold some amount of fear on some level (how else would we ever be able to be brave?). But, there comes a summit where fear is on the other side and the valley of grace is before us on our path.
Who then will you be?
I believe in empowering people. Especially submissives who have been traumatized in some form or fashion. I do not believe in allowing them to stay captive to their fears. Oh, I know.....I accept that is part of their journey. THEY must come to grips with the things that cause them distress. I am not even closely insinuating that I want anything to do with that!! Except that I can model grace to them. Patience. Mercy. Forgiveness. Remind them that fear does NOT serve them. Their highest good. Yes. For many it is where they are. It is a part of their present day reality. But that does not have to be the end of the story right? Tomorrow is a new day with a new choice yes?
THAT was the point of the conversation and my holding you accountable so very long ago.
Now, is that shift going to happen overnight? GOODNESS NO!
But it does start now. And I will be damned as your friend if I just allow you to stay wracked by the pain of fear. While you may not see me doing anything (because again, it is NOT my journey), my encouragement. My writings. My gentle grace is still present.....ever reminding you to be kinder to yourself. More patient. More forgiving. Why? Because it does and has nurtured a deeper love, respect, admiration for who you are, from yourself!!! And THAT is the whole damn point! Because you DO want to be free from fear. You said it yourself all that time ago......I have simply held you accountable to those words and supported your growth towards release of said fears. As you are willing and able to take the steps. As you grow in your awareness. As you see your own need for inner peace. As you discover the cruelty at your own hands you place upon yourself. As you become more cognizant of your own emotional dysregulation you have begun to find ways to regulate yourself where you take back your own power instead of giving it away to those who never respected you, cared about you, or allowed you to just simply be you. Today you are discovering just how to love yourself. To admire the girl in the mirror for how kind she is. How gentle she can be. How soft and feminine she is capable of being when she leans into loving her own strength within the struggle.
You are learning to embrace your humanity. Not wrong. Not a poor decision maker. Not perfect. Not right. Just.....human. A human doing the best she can. Whether you fall forward or backward....the point is TODAY you recognize the momentum. You SEE the journey. THAT is the growth. Not that you somehow make the best decision, or get it all right or wrong. The honesty is there will ALWAYS be room to learn how to be a better you. But, it is ALSO true that today you are the best you can be and you work to bring that best to bear in all moments. THAT IS ENOUGH. Tomorrow is another day where you will get to evolve, expand and grow into being more. It still will not be perfect. It will still cause you distress. You will still have moments of fear.....and you will STILL keep moving forward doing the best you can.
What more can anyone ask of you? Including your own self.

I will share an honesty with you, a boundary I hold for myself.
I do NOT associate with others who are unwilling to be humble enough to see they have room for growth.
Nor do I spend my energy on those who are not able to accept responsibility for their own actions and choices towards their growth.

From VERY early on I saw your desire to be free.
To find peace. AND your willingness to get in there and suss it out of your own life.
You ARE finding it!!!! Little by little. Which is ABSOLUTELY acceptable!!! In fact, that is just how it is!!!!

My point is, that is exactly why I have given you my time and energy. That is why my holding you accountable to your own words has even worked or meant anything.....because YOU desire it for YOU.
And that........that is what makes a submissive (in my humble lens). A willingness to be stretched. To surrender. To find a way through the fear to let go. Scared or not is not the point. We ALL are scared at times. It is easy to surrender when the sun is shining!!! Can we do so when our backs are against the wall and we REALLY do not want to and are paralyzed with fear? Because if we can find even the smallest crumb of faith, and trust in ourselves to take even the smallest of steps......that is still forward. That is still surrender. That is still submission. That is still growth. That is still healing. NO ONE can say otherwise.
It is a privilege to hold a space for those who are walking such a journey. Seeing their mess and all is beautiful!!!! Because of their tenacity. Because of their care. Because of their willingness. Because of their imperfection yet desire.
This is what being accountable looks my lens anyway......being accountable to what you say you want to be. You say you want to be a submissive? Cool!!! Put up or shut up. And FEW have the character to face those demons and find peace.
11 months ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+☕} - Drago, I just wanted to let you know I HAVE read this. There is a massive amount to digest and a lot of emotions were stirred up that I have to handle. Thank you though, for your time and energy. It's valued more than you know.
11 months ago
DaddyDrago{LilAmethys} - I know.
I knew it would.
I am here. I am not going anywhere. And I absolutely do NOT need anything from you to have spoken what was written. It was for YOU.
If you NEVER say anything in return, I promise, I am REALLY good.
It is your journey. Travel it exactly as you need to. I promise I desire it no other way!!!!
We are good.
11 months ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+☕} - 😭❤️😭❤️😭❤️😭❤️😭❤️

Amethyst! I don't know how you do it, being 'naked' all the time!
11 months ago
DaddyDrago{LilAmethys} - Here is a hint......she doesn't do it well (gawd I hate that judgement).

There is NO such thing as failing at being yourself!!!!!!!!!

She makes a right mess of it!!!!!!!!

She fights. She cries. She falls. She feels like a failure. She's angry. She's hurting. She loathes herself.
WHEREVER she's just a moment on the path.

It sounds AWFUL to say this......
But this too shall pass.

Whether it is up or down. Good or bad. Raw or hiding. Exposed or covered. Safe or scared.....
This too shall pass.

The journey is about ALL of the experiences. Not just the ones we like (ask me how I know!!! 😡).

The point of the experience is NOT to arrive at a destination....even one of happiness or acceptance of all the things.
The point is the journey. The ups AND downs. To appreciate when you are up, to be gracious when you are down. To face each moment with balance and grace.


In fact I still suck at it!!!!

But the load is made lighter by those whom we can lean on when we fall into the ditch.
11 months ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+☕} - Yeah, well,....what about when you don't have anyone to lean on IRL? How was it "lighter" when either of you were alone? It wasn't, was it? It sucked big hairy monkey balls.

Fyi: I switched my RSVP to "going". *Gulp* The girls are in a tizzy, my stomach feels like it wants to turn inside out, and my body is shaking like I've had too much coffee (is that even a thing???)
11 months ago
DaddyDrago{LilAmethys} - It actually was WAY easier when we were separate!!!!!!!!
No one else was there to see our darkness. Our hidden areas. It was just us......which is scary to be sure!!! But magnified by 100 when someone we care about sees it too!!!
Remember, when is that straw that breaks the camel's back going to drop???? Fear gets fed off of the relationship!!!!! Not quieted!!!! Much to my consternation!!!! 😜

You will will not be as bad as you imagine.
Oh, you will see the cliques.
The arrogant. The pompous.
But you hopefully will also get to see connection and be reminded why you keep searching.

I would encourage you to have a safe call. Even though there is no intention for anything. Not because anything or anyone is going to harm you, but because it is a comfort to have that lifeline.

And yes, fear can manifest itself in the body as a paralyzing thing!! Even if it is masquerading as just nervousness!!!
You will be fine. You are a smart cookie! And you are far from putting yourself in a dangerous situation.
I encourage you to go with curiosity. No expectations. Literally none. Set a boundary for yourself to just observe. Be polite. But observe. There will be time later, after you have your emotions in check, to make connections.
The choice is yours of course.
Whatever you choose, you will navigate it just fine I believe.
11 months ago
Alphasubforhim​(sub female) - I felt this!
11 months ago
Juicy Licious - Thank you so much for sharing 😢.
Albeit that we feel a little broken, we don't need to be fixed, we just need time to pick up the pieces and show up stronger and better than before. Every time.
11 months ago

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