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Emotional Domination

There are 4 main types (and each of them bleed into one another on varying levels) of domination:


Which one do you prefer to practice and why?
10 months ago. June 23, 2023 at 12:51 AM


I have been a very strict dominant. Structure. Rules. Cohesive consistent continued stable form and function. This I have needed. Yes, my partners agreed and negotiated such in the past as well, but, it was born of what I believed was necessary and needed for me. What I discovered for myself was this was a way for me to feel safe. It became a shelter of sorts. A way to hide. If I was in control to this degree nothing could go wrong. Right? I could structure everything to death and everything would be just so. My life would go as I planned. As I needed it to. forward to humans being human......yeah. Nothing ever goes as planned. No one can control another humans fears. When a submissive is scared why did I feel like, “Well, follow your structure. I am here!! Hello???” Because it was difficult for me to allow myself to feel as if I didn’t have control. I didn’t have the answers. I was trying to ‘fix’ everything by structuring it to death. Instead of accepting I can’t control everything. In fact, I’m not supposed to. As a dominant that was a very hard truth to accept. I can’t make someone not be afraid. They’re allowed. When I looked deep within myself, I saw that the only reason I felt like I needed control here and to ‘fix’ things was because I felt out of control in my own fears. In my own doubts I would become panicked. Rather than accept that I was scared (a dominant shouldn’t feel such things of course! BS!) I tried to manage my fears by legislating myself and my life to death. I was running. I used structure as a mechanism to hide from myself.

This discovery came at a high price. I learned the hard way (can we say stubborn?) that you can’t make someone let go. You can’t make someone feel safe if they don’t. All the structure in the world won’t stop someone if they choose to rebel. It is always a choice whether to cave to our fears and allow them to control us or to rise above and face them. At the time, the submissive in my care lost her uncle. Her father figure, of which she was estranged for many, many years. The impact this had on her was devastating to her. She entered into a very large and lengthy depression. 6 months had gone by and I began asking her why she wasn’t following her protocol any longer. I had suspended certain aspects of it, feeling she needed her space to navigate what she was feeling, but she began to drop everything. Mind you, some of this began even before her uncle’s passing, so I was alert for what was wrong. Everytime we discussed it I was blamed for trying to enforce the contract she signed. I was called controlling. Domineering. Cruel. I can only tell you I don’t believe I was. I wasn’t angry. I didn’t come from a place of expecting or demanding. I was asking, “Why are you giving up on your structure? What’s wrong? Why don’t you want to follow it any longer?” Something had shifted within her and had been shifting for a long time. She wasn’t aware of what that was. She couldn’t pinpoint it. Through discussions we discovered she was scared. She didn’t really like herself. She felt fear around her not enoughness. She couldn’t measure up with her own idea of who she thought she was supposed to be. And she wouldn’t let it go. She held tight to that fear. She had her whole life really. She wouldn’t allow herself to heal and love herself here. I felt that structure would help her. Focus her. Help her to see her best self. That the dynamic would encourage her to see she was enough just as she is. That was something she wouldn’t choose. A year and a half went by with my trying to remind her, show her what served her best. She refused to allow herself to see it. I had to end the relationship. For my peace. I was damaged in the process. Dismayed. Lost. I couldn’t understand why the structure and the richness of the dynamic wasn’t enough. Why wasn’t what I offered good enough? Ah.....see there......that’s MINE. Doesn’t have anything to do with anyone else. I discovered, I was doing a similar thing. Thinking the structure would “save” the relationship. Would fulfill the emptiness. Solve the doubts and fears. Of mine. My feeling of not enoughness. Her expression of her fears was NOT a reflection of my ability. At the time though, it didn’t feel that way. As I sat with it all, I realized, I am NOT here to save anyone. Hell, I struggle enough with my own shit!!! How can I possibly save anyone else??? The truth is, I got to learn that my place as a dominant isn’t to solve anything, it’s to hold a safe space where I can receive honestly my submissives expression of fear and doubt and comfort her with the truth that whatever she decides I am here to comfort and love on her no matter what. This frees me from thinking I have to ‘fix’. And let’s be honest, guys especially are notorious for thinking that a woman’s emotional expression is something that needs to be ‘fixed’. This is ONLY because so many men aren’t comfortable with their own emotions, they don’t know how to hold a space for themselves. Therefor they don’t know how to hold a consistent and stable space for a woman’s natural expression of their emotions. When I let go within myself, discovered my own inability to sit with my emotions. When I saw that I was hiding my own fears. Only when I gave myself permission to accept that I can be scared and still show up with my integrity and face those fears did I learn how to do so for someone else. Courage is NOT the absence of fear. It is standing in spite of those fears and saying, ” I WILL BEND, BUT I REFUSE TO BREAK.”

As a result of this revelation, I questioned every piece of my need to be strict. Why did I want such if it was just a mask? I questioned my dominant expression, was what I truly needed built around rigidness? Where is the compassion and kindness that is definitely a part of me in my desire for the way I show up in a dynamic?

Enter Amethyst. I had grown a lot as a man before her, but with her I expanded in ways I still don’t understand fully (and I resist trying to). The ‘honeymoon phase’ was deeper and richer than either of us had ever experienced. Those of you who know of our story know how we have been blessed and how the doors have opened up for us to be together. How beautiful and never taken for granted such a wonderful space is and has been. As wonderful as it is to be here right next to one another, it isn’t without all the challenges. Life is life. We all carry baggage, regardless of how much we believe we’ve dealt with it all.

Amethyst is as independent and capable a woman that exists. Stubborn. Violently opinionated. Beautiful!! She has this tendency to go off and do all the things she ‘believes’ is necessary. We have discussed, it very much is like a dog on a long leash, she will run as fast and far away as possible if allowed. She doesn’t see this happening. She knows when she is shown that this doesn’t serve her. She knows she doesn’t want it even. But she’s independent, driven and does what she’s done her whole life.....handle her shit. For her to let go and allow me to lead isn’t as easy as she believes it should be. See, and me, I recognize this.....I saw this in other submissives. Scared. Afraid to let go. Fearful of their own vulnerability. Where they just aren’t sure they can trust the lens of their dominant, usually, because they can’t believe what they express they see. Learning to love yourself as you are seen by your dominant is never easy. What have I done in response to this? The exact opposite of what I had the past I held on with an iron, I am like, “Ok. Go ahead. Run. You do you. When you fall and aren’t happy and are confused, I will lend my hand to pick you up. I’m not going anywhere.” This is not the honest piece that she needs. What I have realized is that in my effort to let go I took my hands off of the wheel. Why? Because I don’t want to be hurt with the same language from my past about being controlling, domineering and cruel. The difference between the here and now with Amethyst and the past is that Amethyst can clearly communicate what she needs and wants. What she values and desires. She knows herself. She isn’t afraid to admit her own struggles. She can honestly express that she doesn’t intend to run to the end of her leash. She doesn’t want control. She loathes it. She has lived her whole life with it and it’s utterly unfulfilling. I would still be in my fear of being too strict at the cost of possibly pushing her away, and working myself up worried about how she would receive my guidance and leading had she simply just not expressed. Oh, this is painful for me. Again, I don’t like seeing that I may be getting it wrong. However, this is not about perfection. Not about getting it all right every second of every day. It’s about showing up honestly. Vulnerably. Raw. Scared. Scarred. And sharing that space whatever it looks like. We have committed to one another to walk down this path TOGETHER. Not perfectly. Not even beautifully always. Sometimes, messy. Sometimes painfully. But ALWAYS together.

THIS IS CONTROL. NOT that as a dominant I can demand and expect what I wish. Rather that I own my need, I know it and express it honestly and healthily. And, more so, that I understand Amethyst’s need and I do what I must do to give her the control that serves her heart the peace it needs to be her best self. To understand that I don’t have all the answers, but my submissive, my best friend, my greatest asset and most prized possession is here for ME. Not against me. To encourage me. To support me and love me as I am too. To allow her to do so. To speak into my world and life the health and love that she is meant to. So I can grow. So I can be my best self. I have a lot to learn. So many spaces to discover and integrate as honest versus the lies I have believed for so long. To not hold on to my pride, my ego and my idea of what MUST be right in order to be able to learn from the love Amethyst speaks into my world by simply breathing. For me not to allow her is for me to disregard her submission.

We are ALL growing. We don’t have all the answers. We act out of what we believe. What we hope is honest and true for us. Being able to accept that we have so much to learn and grow in is a healthy sign of humility and an ability to move forward. Being stuck in rigid dogmatic definitive must-haves is often a sign of a response to fears. I am ALL for structure. Just, not so rigid that it doesn’t allow for you to be human.

I trust you’re all having a wonderful day. Hug those close to you, even if it’s a virtual hug. You’re not alone. We are all in this together. May you find your peace today.




Drago and Amethyst

Curiousmind​(sub female){Owned} - It’s only in love and through love we can help someone to feel safe.
Structure is a necessary element of a power-exchange relationship but without the right foundation it loses its purpose. As you have rightly mentioned in your blog, creating a safe place to be honest, vulnerable and raw with each other is a key to success
10 months ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+☕} - Drago, I think you've written about this before. I certainly remember aspects of it.

I had a thought and I wondered if you'd be open to hearing it. It's an observation, paycho-analytical, behavioral analysis type thought surrounding fear management.
10 months ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+☕} - That was SUPPOSED to be a question, not a judgemental statement. My apologies.
10 months ago
DaddyDrago{LilAmethys} - Lol.
I assure you I did not take it as such! The judgement part that is!

I gave a thumbs up as in.....
Go ahead and share your thoughts!!

10 months ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+☕} - I sorta figured you wouldn't mind, however, a little purple gem of a birdie recently provided a reminder about offering unsolicited advice so even though you and I seem to have this "open, never ending, mental chess chess match" going on, I figured I'd get in a bit of practice. (The Queen of the Butterflies has been helping as well.).

Anyways, the thought that buzzed through my brain at zero-dark thirty when I read this on break....

From past discussions, I can understand how important structure is for you. How having external order calms internal chaos. I've noticed that strategy organicly manifests itself with ME during those times. With me, once the need for internal calm is over, that compulsion to organize externally passes.

I can also understand how we (the helpers of the world), when we discover a useful tool, want to impart this wisdom on those we care about in hopes that they find it useful as well. Here's the thing, I think sometimes, part of our frustration may stem from the fact that we are trying to fit a square peg into a round hole and finding that it doesn't fit and we can't understand why. That fustration may be magnified in you pesky, growly creatures who enforce rules and lead dynamics. "Just trust me to lead you safely.". But we also know that everyone's journey is their own. No one can walk it for another, so that begs the question, is it really wise to enforce a strategy upon someone that may not work for them? Wouldn't it be better to find the strategy that works for THEM and then remind them to USE that strategy?

I'm all for sharing what works for ourselves but if the one being led tries it and discovers that it DOESNT work for them, then my suggestion (if the aim is for the leader to help improve the life of the led), is to rethink the strategy. That MAY mean changing the strategy altogether. That MAY mean supporting the one being led to use a strategy that is the polar opposite of what works for the leader.

What are your thoughts? *Slurps a soda and waits*
10 months ago
DaddyDrago{LilAmethys} - You are ABSOLUTELY correct.

This is where the leader surrenders.
A good leader works with the strengths AND weaknesses of those whom they are attempting to lead. We do not get to arbitrarily decide "this is the way" and have all follow. There must be aligned purpose. Aligned goals. Aligned values.
Another incredibly important reason for vetting.
We never know straightaway if the other person truly will match us. We often are putting our best foot forward so to speak. Only time proves an individual's character. Your recent fallout proved that quite succinctly. It looks good on paper. Sounds good. But the application of all the things that matter to all parties MUST be on at least the same general vacinity!

When we (I and Amethyst) share it is from an obvious place of what works for us. We under no illusions that it may not work for all. We notice many resonate and appreciate We take zero responsibility for how another chooses to use such information. But we do like to encourage others to consider a lens maybe they had not previously.

The strategy that works between us works because she desires to be lead from the heart. She desires to open her heart. And I desire to lead thusly.
I am keenly aware not many desire such. I have experienced repeated desires from those who say they want that type of leadership only to discover that what they meant long as it allows them their safety and it looks a certain way for them. No judgement. I just do not find that submissive......TO ME. It is ENTIRELY something else to others.....others may find where they were fits them like a well worn favorite pair of jeans. And I applaud that. I want EVERYONE to find what serves them. Truly.
It need not look as our dynamic does. In fact I would go so far as to say it never could.

When you use the statement,
'Trust me to lead you safely ' and then follow it with, 'is it wise to enforce a strategy that may not work for them? ' What I hear is, you may personally have an issue with trust? I am not saying you do or do not. That's not for me to determine and it makes no difference to me which way you land.
I would say PREDOMINANTLY dynamics that are D/s and certainly M/s are heavy on the 'trust me' lens of leading. So when we discuss such things I admit WE are leaning more towards such disposition.
I caveat that trust with a reality as I have experienced is earned and NEVER blind. And in MY lens, it is perpetual. I cannot earn blanket trust in a moment. I get to deepen that trust.....sure. ONLY because I repeatedly show up as trustworthy. And even THAT shifts and changes with the need and the moment.

Which brings me back to my need to surrender.
I cannot POSSIBLY know from one moment to the next what is needed for her success. All my planning, guiding, best strategies I have that come from what I KNOW will ultimately fall short. Because I can NEVER know where she will be. The strategy of pursuing my heart growth. Staying in tune with my best self. Keeping my heart open allows me to meet her organically. To be empathetic and supportive. Drops me out of my 'fixing'. My brain would only try to strategize the best way to navigate everything!! I am exceptionally well at it too!!! It is what I do for a living and have done for nearly 30 years!
But it will never transmit trustworthiness to a submissives heart. Fear does not stop for strategy. Strategy will not quell fear or nurture peace. It can help! But it does not last long term. Or so MY experience has shown me. Personally and with others.

Which brings me full circle....
Strategy is an outline ONLY. Because one of the wisest thing a dominant can do is to be adaptable. Open. Curious. To see where those around them need support.
10 months ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+☕} - Ok, so I was just reskimming your above blog and there are so many thoughts I have about so many things. Please bear with me if it sounds a bit "jumpy". I'll try my best to tie it all my thoughts together:

"When a submissive is scared why did I feel like, “Well, follow your structure. I am here!! Hello???”"

Admittedly, I originally read "why DO I feel like...". As I said earlier, I can toooootally comprehend how structure made you feel "safe" and I can understand the drive to provide the knowledge of "hey! This will make you feel safe!" knowledge to those we love. My point was that it was YOUR way to feel safe, but the reality is, it most likely is not how THEY would feel safe....that whole "everyone is uniquely human" issue.

As you said, "we have to be adaptable". As a sibling of someone that had Down Syndrome, I can attest to the fact that "out of the box" thinking is VITAL with some people.

"You can’t make someone feel safe if they don’t. All the structure in the world won’t stop someone if they choose to rebel."

I disagree with the use of the word "rebel" at the end of that sentence. I think a better sentence would have ended, ..."if they are afraid.". To me, "rebel" is a choice that people make. Fear can make "choice" impossible *IF* their prefrontal cortex is shut down to the point that they are in fight/flight mode. It's how our bodies are designed! They are SUPPOSED to shut that off. It's not a choice tho. The problem with PTSD, especially in the early stages of recovery, is that the prefrontal cortex STAYS surprised while the amygdala is constantly in overdrive. Learning how to trick your brain so that the prefrontal cortex STAYS active during a trigger helps reverse the brain injury that cortisol has caused. For example, I have learned that when I'm feeling that emotional dysregulation happen, counting the odd numbers by two's forces me to concentrate. I have a math disability so it takes all my focus to keep tract of what number I'm on and which number is next. It keeps my prefrontal cortex ON so that it overpowers my amygdala. If I'm at home, I can organize my bills or clean my room. For me, allowing myself to feel ALL my feelings, is dangerous. It feeds the damaged part of my brain rather than heals it. (This is where Amethyst and I differ. As she has shared, she wasn't allowed to feel emotions. Me, I was never taught how to control them or taught how to identify them so I was in a constant state of emotion.).

"Ok. Go ahead. Run. You do you. When you fall and aren’t happy and are confused, I will lend my hand to pick you up. I’m not going anywhere."

Relating to what I just said, my mom would let my emotions run but when I asked for her help in managing them and understanding them, she told me I had to "go someplace else for that" (direct quote). 🙄 I think that's why I turned to acquiring knowledge so much, because I was looking for that "someplace else" to find the answers I needed to questions I didn't know how to put into words.

I'm still learning how to communicate my wants and needs and desires. It's a long process and I don't always have words to describe what I'm feeling. It angers me that I can't seem to "get it" sometimes. Is that rebellion? I don't think so. It's fustration without proper labels.

Do I have an issue with trust? I don't know. How can I even know what real trust is if I've never experienced it? However, that's not what that question about enforcement was about. It was about "out of the box" thinking. I was asking if it was possible that your fustration over a submissives rejection of a structure you put in place (because it worked for YOU) was not because they were rebelling or not trusting you, but because it simply didn't work, FOR THEM? Square peg/round hole?.

10 months ago
DaddyDrago{LilAmethys} - The frustration over a submissives rebellion (correct word because it was a conscious choice) is because it was a conscious choice.

How do I know?
Because they said so for one.

For two, when a submissive follows the structure laid out for them initially, finding solace, comfort, energy, focus in doing such and then sometime later chooses not to employ that which aids their peace it begs the question of why?
Those reasons are anathema so best not to navigate here. However the recurring theme is as much as I have witnessed anyway.
PTSD cannot necessarily apply when someone is following for years and then begins to choose not to follow. Lack of follow through is a choice. There is no "oops I forgot". I am NOT saying a one time infraction. Or systemic moments under a specific duress. I am speaking of a totalitarian rebellion against all that was negotiated and agreed upon. The crux of the plight is in the previous 2 1/2 years of following only to just cease.

What causes such a thing? What creates that moment of letting go of that which serves someone?
What is the reasoning behind not doing that which benefits you?

Setting aside the possibility that they no longer wish to follow the leader......

My experience has shown me that what ends up happening is I have gotten too close. Seen too much of them. More than they were comfortable with. They felt exposed. Even ugly in some instances.
Those feelings are all born from a fear.
Much like a PTSD response......except they CAN choose otherwise because they chose otherwise prior.

Which reinforces the language expressed, "you cannot MAKE someone feel safe." If they choose to rebel (give in to fear) that is their right and choice. It is exceptionally rare (less than 5%+/-) that PTSD shows up as an honesty within many submissives. That is NOT to negate or downplay those who struggle with such. It simply is an honesty that I point to in making the assertion that MOST have a choice and they make it.

I am unwilling to disregard a choice made when it is before me.
Accountability is not a dirty word. Though I know it does not feel comfortable.
We ARE responsible for our actions. Including those stemming from an emotional overload where we lash out, project, place on another. ESPECIALLY, when there are systems in place to support someone with a strategy that serves them as they previously showed comfort and appreciation for.

Are there one off moments where the strategy simply fails?
In fact, in the writing I pointed to her loss of her father figure. It certainly was a trying moment!!! If there was ever a time that the strategy may have failed it would have been this moment!
However, that is also tempered by the reality that she was withdrawing and rebelling prior to the tragedy and chose not to come out of that determination a year and a half after the tragedy.
And no, I do not get to put a timeline of grief. Everyone processes differently.
I did and do not fault her for her grief. Or her choices. She ilwas and is always allowed to be right where she is.

But that does not negate her solemn, intentioned pursuit of submission within our dynamic. At at the very worst her obligation to 'safeword' or end the dynamic because she could/would not function within the parameters negotiated.
My 'calling her out' and holding her accountable was absolutely correct. Whatever her feelings were, be they grief, overwhelm, shock, dysregulation, inability to enunciate what she was feeling......she still has to function in life. She was able to go to work. Go out with friends. Laugh and enjoy her grandbabies. She is cognizant and culpable enough to own her choice.

But what if YOU were the thing that triggered her? You may be asking?

Then the rational thing would have been to run as fast as she could intentionally from the cause of her repeated torture.
Instead, because it was NOT a PTSD response, she chose to suck the benefits of my care, attention, grace, compassion, love from me without so much as the respect to return the same in kind. In as much as she said so blatantly in the end. Although, for the year that we were separated yet living under the same roof, she tried EVERYTHING she could to get me back.

PTSD is a response to a specific set of stimuli. The conditions need to be ever so exact and present to garner such a visceral response. Often, the person cannot even be aware of what is actually happening. Reality often is not what they are living because the trauma they are reliving is in a past that haunts them.

The strategy for such fear is deeper than relationship level and should be navigated with professionals and unless a dominant is a qualified psychologist will be woefully unprepared and overwhelmed under the best of circumstances.

As this form of dysregulation is exceedingly rare and does not cover MOST humans fears it is nothing I can, or indeed am qualified, to navigate.
My experience with structure is one where it caused me to feel 'safe'.
You know what though? It was a false sense of security. That sense of safety existed because it was the mechanism I put in place to quiet the chaos and manage the unhealthy of the submissives around me. I know that's not pretty. I also know that's actually cruel. But it is honest to where I have been and I own it. If I could quiet the chaos of the one closest to me. If I could manage the shit out of their responses and fears. I would have my peace. That was my belief.
Now, did it ever really work?
It was sedentary. Of course it was too. Because I was not allowing or accepting the honesty that where the submissive was on their journey was where they were. I either accepted that reality and aligned myself with it.....or I did not for whatever my reasons may be for me.

See, no matter HOW I showed up I could never foster a trust or respect they were unwilling to give.
I have been in anough and seen enough dynamics to know there is only ONE way a leader will gain a follower.

When the follower CHOOSES to follow the leader and perpetually makes that choice. Regardless of the fear that arises within them. Because fear, while real and honest, is not a valid reason to not follow when everyone has the honest choice of being brave. If someone cannot be brave (leaving those with a severe emotional dysregulation out of the equation) that is a choice. It is not because they are unable. It is that they are unwilling.

It is ok they are unwilling. They are absolutely allowed.

But let's not pretend that it is because of the strategy. Or the structure. Or the person they are choosing not to follow. It is THEIR choice alone.
Do all of the above help??
Of course!!!
It is why we vet and seek alignment!!!!
But if that which we are seeking is only so we won't have to have our tender spots prodded. Or because we do not want someone poking in uncomfortable spaces. Then let's own that! That is absolutely ok!!!

I know TONS of people who only want to role play!!
I know TONS of people who only want the bedroom fun!!
I know TONS of people that only enjoy their form of BDSM in the bedroom every other weekend!!

There is absolutely no shame in such!!!!

But let's not call it 24/7 then.
Let's just be honest and upfront with what serves us.
Let's be honest about our fears and our unwillingness to step into healing them with anyone except a licensed professional.

A relationship, magnified even more so in a D/s or M/s dynamic where power imbalance or exchange happens, is a mirror. It will show us all the not so lovely rooms within us we would rather not look in (I raise my hand here!!! 😛).

It is ok to acknowledge if that is too uncomfortable for us to navigate. If we are unable to that's ok. If we are unwilling that's ok.

But be honest with it.

I preach this because I have witnessed more than I can count the number of 'submissives' who plead and wail about how they just want someone to serve who will protect them and push them only for them to realize what they mean is like this and not that.
Which, again, no dominant worth a damn is going to follow anyone's program. Especially one directed by fear. That would defeat the absolute purpose of being dominant in the first place!!

Is it up to the dominant to determine whether the strategy they will employ is capable and dutifully able to be followed by a particular submissive?
And sadly, often, the only way to discover that is by taking that submissive on to discover their honest willingness and not just what they say.
Time can show you a LOT. True.
Again, often, it will only show you what others are willing to let you see. A dominant is a truth seeker and uncoverer (is that a word?). But we are also human and have our limits.

It goes without saying.....being able to clearly enunciate where you are and what you need/want is of utmost value.
10 months ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+☕} - Oh Drago, I can hear the anger and hurt and fustration as you reflect back on her. I can hear how it is still a sore button for you and now knowing a greater extent of what life was like back then, how much restraint you had to exert over yourself, how you tried! My heart hurts for you.

I agree with you. In THAT case, she made a choice but chose not to verbalise it. It makes me angry! We hate giving up on people, and when that "resigned to the truth" moment comes, it sucks! We go through this whole process (well, I do and I suspect you do as well)...well, it's kinda the same way we process grief, because the reality is, the relationship IS dying. Anger, disbelief, guilt, bargaining, sadness, all leading up to the acceptance. The relationship is dead.

And when you still have to live with the person????

It's like having a loved one who is on life support. The body is there, but that's it. Half alive, half dead. You are in limbo (relationship wise)....ask me how I know 🤣.

I disagree with you about PTSD. It's a lifelong problem and you can never fully heal from it. The symptoms WILL crop up, sometimes to something completely unrelated, sometimes to something understandable. As an example, procrastination can be a symptom (fear of failure), so bills won't get paid or letters written that need to be sent (something I'm trying to deal with tonight, actually). Thunderstorms (obvious for a military veterans but it took me DECADES to get over mine), or even the smell of a particular food. All really weird things sometimes. Time does NOT heal "all wounds" (gawd, I hate that saying!). It takes purposeful mindfulness and it's fucking hell because as you are trying to handle your past, you also have to handle your present, which is triggering your past.

Are people with PTSD still accountable for their actions? Abso-fucking-lutely! Can people with PTSD be expected to function at the same pace and accuracy (socially) as people without PTSD? Abso-fucking-lutely-NOT! It's a goal though. The goalpost happens to be MUCH further away and the playing field has more mud.

For those who do NOT have PTSD, the trick is being able to understand where the choice/survival reaction line is. Where the emotional dysregulation and the premeditation line is. Giving grace for the journey when needed and holding accountable.

And sometimes, that means walking away when we don't want to...but because we need to, for the good of everyone.

I had to make that choice. I still hurt because of it. I still love him.....but I couldn't be healthy with him and that mattered more to me. I was drowning while trying to hold him together.

So I put my oxygen mask on first.
10 months ago

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