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Emotional Domination

There are 4 main types (and each of them bleed into one another on varying levels) of domination:


Which one do you prefer to practice and why?
9 months ago. July 30, 2023 at 9:33 PM


I am going to take some risks here.

I am going into an area that I have not seen many so doing, I don’t have a reference. I only have experience. I have talked with others, but the information is only as good as those individuals are able to expound upon personally.

For the sake of this writing, I will use myself as the focus. This controversial topic may come back to bite me. I cannot explain or express adequately for all in any way. Your mileage may vary. Your reasons, your purpose, your focus will most certainly be different as you are a different human being.

Dominant Hunger.

The absolute visceral need to own, capture, possess, hold, tear limb from limb a submissives form is a violent force of desperate urge.

Primals will be the first to understand. Whether you identify as a wolf, alpha, bear, dragon or some other form.

I admit it is difficult to get information from primals on their form of “play”. They often hold it very sacred. It is something uniquely shared between them and their pack, prey, capture or s type. A primal often is quite misunderstood. They live on the edge of their visceral need. Very much a voracious hunger and need for their prey with whom they connect. Many simply don’t understand the violent emotional, and often physical need of another. The best way I can describe it is maternal protection. A mother will always violently protect, lead, keep safe that which they feel is theirs. Of course, with a primal, the physical owning, capturing, violating, taking, biting, wrestling possession is with a BDSM and/or sexual component.

I will explain it from a dragon’s point of view, as that is how I can best identify and describe.

An explanation, many dominants gravitate towards using an animal as a connection to their “spirit” or “hunger”. This often is a way for the dominant to simply “understand” or best be able to describe their personal feelings, hunger and needy desire. They can “identify” with something else in evolution that resonates within them, while also being able to use it as a touchstone for others. Others can recognize, identify with, understand the idea of the animal expressed when it becomes difficult for the dominant to explain the “why” or “how” of their need.

I have only met a handful of those who identify as dragons. They’re rare. Elusive. Methodical. Ancient.

Dragons fly high in the air, well above the land and its inhabitants. But their vision is crystal clear when it comes to their prey. They see, from their view in the air, everything. They roam about seeking the one(s) whom they can devour. They can literally smell everyone. Their motives, their intent. You cannot hide from a dragon. They have an endless hunger to destroy everything, their violent heart wants to rip everything to shreds. They need not be tamed but sated. Their hunger, when sated, brings peace to the heart of a dragon. A dragon mates for life. They can only fill their nostrils with the scent of they who calm their fiery heart. They seek to feast voraciously on their prey’s form. They do not act gently. There is no compassion for their need. Those who identify as dragons know their need. I have not met one dragon that is not a sadist or masochist in the extreme. They will NOT relent. They will take what is theirs. Period. They do not care for your reasoning on why you should be methodical, gentle, patient, diligent or reasoning in their devouring desire. They know their passion, they seek to unleash that fire within. Fire is all consuming, it leaves nothing left untouched, scorched, charred....consumed. That DOES NOT mean they are not patient, caring or purposeful. Everyone that I have met that identify as a dragon is so very focused. A dragon survives with their hunger by knowing that only the flesh of another who holds no fear will quench their thirst. The morsels they may play with usually are destroyed. They’re not meant for the dragon. This is seen in the sadist playing with anyone that is not a masochist in the extreme.....they cannot last. Anything less will simply not be able to stand up to the sadist’s need. Once a sadist tastes the freedom from an extreme masochist (also referred to affectionately in the lifestyle as a pain slut) nothing else will satisfy.

Now to the hunger.....


The age-old question. I put myself out there in this....I am not describing anyone else.....

The hunger is born from belonging. In the extreme. A sadist, their violent voracious need is to express their hunger as pure devoted love. If you can trust me enough to take ALL of my ugly, damage, will have all of me. Every inch. Devotion in the extreme. I will, can, and have all the heart in the world for they who can “take” me. There is NOTHING I wouldn’t do for her who can simply accept all of me. Her acceptance only fuels my hunger. I have sadly only experienced this for a few brief moments on a couple of occasions. Most cannot accept all of another. And I speak not simply of physical.....truly, so much more than physical. My need to devour another is because I simply cannot do anything but. I need all of you, and I HAVE to give you all of me. You will take all of me....or none of me. I don’t know a middle ground. I have met sadists that play with others, on the edges of their personal darkness, the self-control, the restraint that is shown is a sight to behold. I often wonder if there is some form of masochism in sadists that do such, it is a unique form of torture to not be able to just “let go”. That being said, as discussed, it is an extremely rare and beautiful thing to find someone that has no limits when it comes to pain. The dragon, the extreme sadist, MUST consume. MUST devour. MUST feast. They are always seeing and smelling the desire of submissives around them. They pass up so very many....because they are seeking that one whom they know will take all of them.

Dominant hunger is born, from my experience, what I have seen and heard, an extreme passion for more. More than the normal. More than the accepted line of desire. And please, let me be succinctly clear about is NOT in any way about physical. The physical is there, no doubt. You will have my voracious physical need....but ONLY AFTER you take all of who I am. I am way more than my physical we all are. I desire to be deeper emotionally. I don’t want a “normal” passion. I want and need a consuming fire of devoted, connective devouring of souls. I seek to devour your mind. I want to feast on your purpose. I thirst for your intent. I am parched with the need for your devotion. Your hearts peace feeds my longing. I want my desire to be your contentment.....anything less is not consuming. I seek to invade every ounce of your being. Hunger is never satisfied....if it were....we would all eat one meal and never need another. All of me is in devotion, in consuming.....I cannot exist without my fire and passion. If you can take have me....period. This is more than liking my point of view or understanding. This is in yielding your heart, your soul to me. I will accept nothing less than complete and utter brokenness at my feet....I cannot. In order for me to give you all of me....I demand the same.

A dragons’ hunger is complete and total in its desire. It is everything they are. It is their purpose.....a dragon knows only to be devoted to its own character......extreme purposeful intentioned focus on their prize. She who turns his head and heart gains everything about that dragon. Their fire, their protection, their devoted heart, their consuming hunger.

A dominants hunger, however they identify, whatever lengths it goes to, is unique to them. It varies in intensity, needs, and reason. One thing they all have in is born from an extreme desire to have and give acceptance within their dark desires.

A dominants hunger is just them, all of them in truth and transparency. Whether they understand or need to learn who they are and why they want such defiled elegance is simply a point of their personal growth.



Do you fear the hunger?

Do you have the same need?

How much passion is too much for you?

Do you long to be consumed with another?



Stay hungry my friends,



Drago and Amethyst 


Bunnie - This writing touched such a deep understanding and yearning in me that it brought tears to my eyes. It’s so easy to fool ourselves into thinking we can do without our visceral needs, especially if they’re so difficult to find. And in a world where the majority of people are so afraid of themselves… it’s difficult to find… and very lonely.
Thank you for such an honest share.
9 months ago
SouthernFire​(sub female) - Thank you for sharing. This was such an open, honest and understandable writing. It struck a cord deep. So many will deny what you have written, but it is out there.
9 months ago
Purple Freesia - And what happens when the acceptance of a Dominants hunger actually does tear their submissive/slave to bits; does the Dominant have a responsibility to put the bits back together? Or, do they continue to tear them apart until there is nothing left?

Physical equivalent; when do you stop spanking someone? Bruises .... redness...broken skin ... blood.
9 months ago
Vacquero one​(dom male) - (IMHO only). There is a connection that cannot be described between a Dagon and His One.
A sixth sense of you will, combined from all other5, yielding the 6h. The strongest. I struggle to know what to call it really. I can best compare it to a symbiosis between the Dragon and prey. They both need what they other gives. Once found it is a staggering connection.
A paradox, to give what hurts to take away another kind of hurt. Only those connected can understand the need. It is truly not for everyone and that is ok.

DD. Well written
Y’all reading, this is my opinion only.
9 months ago

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