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Emotional Domination

There are 4 main types (and each of them bleed into one another on varying levels) of domination:


Which one do you prefer to practice and why?
6 months ago. October 24, 2023 at 11:20 PM


As I have talked with other dominants I've found several recurring themes.

One, as of late, sticks out because it resonates with a part of where I have been and wrestle with.

Personal failure.

I have made horrible choices in my past. Rest assured, I will make mistakes again in my future. I won't get it right. No matter how desperately I try not to. I am human.

Those voices that scream at us of our weaknesses. Our damage. Our failures. Can be all consuming at times.

Things we wish we wouldn't have said in our anger.

Decisions made to 'make us feel better' when we were deeply hurting.

Going against our own moral code of values because we were scared.

Pain we have felt and simply didn't know how to express except in a painful, hurtful way.

These things can haunt an individual when they're removed from the situation. Hindsight is always clearer. I have questioned what kind of man I am if I can do such things? Who would trust me? I have barely trusted myself because of such spaces and decisions.

And then there is grace. Forgiveness. Mercy. Self-love. Surrender.

I suppose one would think a dominant would have little to do with such things. It's not incredibly macho to struggle. A REAL dominant doesn't falter (such an arrogant lie). We are seen even in the community as stalwarts of confidence, stability, and cohesiveness.

But how else would a dominant even aquire such noble traits if it weren't for their ability to navigate such failures?

And THERE is the key!

It isn't that as dominants we don't struggle. Or we haven't or won't fail. It's that when we do, we learn to better ourselves and rise above them.

It's not that we don't have voices screaming in our heads, "You're such a f**k up!!!" It's that even though we do we learn to use that to fuel us to be more.

That is the secret. How can we ever lead or guide an s type through their myriad of self-worth struggles if we don't understand the struggle? I often feel as if the best dominants are those that have been through hell and back. Those who have had to learn such horrible lesson's because they need to be that strong.

I used to look at my journey as one of self-detonation. Whatever I could mess up I would. Not intentionally, but out of my pain. Out of my fears. Out of my own insecurities. Because all I saw was someone who was too much or not enough.

What I have discovered is that those moments, while horribly painful and haunting even, have made me see myself. I've been afforded the space to reflect on why I found myself in such pain. The choices I made in those moments. The why. The triggers I have held. How my past, my fears, my insecurities have had a hold of me and controlled me. I have been allowed to witness myself. See myself in the mirror and weep. Sob because I was being controlled from past pains that owned me. Lied to by ego so I would stay captive to the mechanisms born from my fear. I have resented seeing these pieces of myself. I have run screaming from them. I have hid from them. Built walls around myself to stop myself from remembering my failures. Built stories around how it isn't truly my fault because others pressed those triggers. I have seen myself in all my ugly, authentic, honesty.

You know what?

I am grateful.

I have been given the opportunity to witness my failures through the honest lens of how it has damaged and controlled me. How in that I have damaged everything and everyone around me because I wasn't accepting the truth.

What truth?

I'm imperfect. And that's perfectly fine.

It isn't that we fail that matters, it's what we do with it that does.

As dominants if we don't see our own mechanisms and then also see the opportunity to not allow their control any longer we are not dominating much.

Strength is born from character.

Character births integrity.

Integrity births stability.

Stability births confidence.

Confidence births peace.

True inner peace. Knowing who you are. Where you have been and what you have been through, even at our own hands, to arrive here to this moment. And that we are in control by understanding honestly who we are long before anyone else can define who we are by our actions.

Many will look and say, "You've failed me!" And will hold onto that pain. Years and years later they still hold onto it. As a dominant discovering that their pain is not your truth, even though it was wrought with your hands in the past, you don't need to own that. Not anymore. You're not the same person. You aren't there any longer.

When your past reaches up to grab you and say, "Remember when?" You can honestly answer, "Yes I know today why, and I am NOT that individual any longer. You no longer have control, I do." THAT is control. Dominance of one's self.

An s type can trust a dominant that has been through the fire and come through the other side. They aren't so much concerned with how charred you are, the scars you wear, so long as you understand where your freedom lies from the journey. Because they have their own fires waiting for them, and they need to know you understand how to encourage them as they walk through them.

My observation is this........

Any truly positive dominant worthy of submission within a d/s or m/s dynamic is one who isn't afraid to show you who they are. Faults and all. Past and all.

Because they know that if you're going to judge them or hold them to their past mistakes then you're not a forgiving soul. You're not someone they want or need in their life. Because let's face it, we ALL have things we would rather keep buried and never let others see. Hell, many times even we want to run from ourselves and those pieces we would rather not remember. If we cannot overcome by facing those pieces. If we cannot apply grace to ourselves. We will never be able to love another honestly. We don't know what love looks like until we face our own demons in the mirror and say, "I refuse to accept your control over me any longer!"

The journey of risking ourselves is frought with amazing challenges from our past. The victory is self-awareness and peace.

A dominant that has walked that path and turned their failures into their strengths knows how to receive submission honestly. They know the inner struggle to surrender to deep, dark honesty and turn it into contentment. They know how to lead an s type through the fire.

Because you can't burn someone who has been charred and knows their way through the fire because they have a map.

I pray this writing finds you resting in your peace and focus today.


Drago and Amethyst

Bunnie - @DaddyDrago,
I’m wondering if perhaps it’s ok to ask a question here… kind of in relation to this.
Do you believe you could have gone through all of those past struggles with the same person at your side? Or was it in the experiences of each part of the journey that has brought you to here?
I guess I ask from a submissive perspective… is being there through thick and thin with a Dominant going through these struggles, possible? Or do we simply need to accept that each stage needs to shift, people included, until He/She reaches a point of better awareness to be able to be where you speak of now?
6 months ago
Bunnie - *hopefully this makes sense
6 months ago
DaddyDrago{LilAmethys} - Hmmm.
I will answer two fold according to my experience.

I needed to walk through those spaces with the different people around me. Including partners. They taught me invaluable lessons I could not have learned otherwise.
Those lessons were mostly around me learning to define my voice. I needed their resistance to build that muscle (think weight training).
It is a long way to to say those others were not intended for the long haul. They were meant to show me a thing and that's all. Even if I was with some of them for years.
I had a previous submissive that asked me to marry her on 3 different occasions in our 4 year dynamic and each time I KNEW in my gut it was not meant to be. At the time I actually felt guilty for that! I felt shame that there was this piece inside of me that did not feel safe to commit to her in that fashion. But, I needed that lesson to learn to tune into my body and hear what my intuition was speaking rather than my mind.


Amethyst would be an EXCELLENT testimony of being in a relationship where the heavy growth/lifting is happening to bring about awareness that there is no way she could have found without our connection.

That may seem incredibly paradoxical and you would be right!!!!

I have often lamented about why I needed to go through those phases of my journey and they had to look as they did!!!
Why couldn't I have found someone to support me IN my journey?
Why did I have to learn in the mud? So to speak.

I honestly do not have an answer!!!!!

I can only tell you that I believe it is entirely possible to have someone who holds a safe container for you to navigate the coming awareness.
I would also express it is exceptionally rare. It takes an amount of patience and personal self-awareness on the other person's end to truly be able to do so. Then, there is the willingness.......

I am a patient individual. I consider myself fairly aware of me, and of patterns that can be found in all humans.
But I am not willing to hold a space for just anyone. There really must be a calling to it. A desire for that person from myself. If I am honest, I have only ever found such a desire in a couple instances.
To be fair, it is challenging watching the person you care for and are responsible for make choices you know are not going to serve them and allow them to learn by falling on their face. It is heartbreaking.
For ME, I have found that if I have any feelings of frustration at the other person walking their journey I know I am simply not meant to hold space for them. It's my bodies way of saying, "Nope."
Conversely, it never even occurs to me to be upset, frustrated, angry, impatient with Amethyst and a select few others.
For ME, this has come down to an intuitive piece. My heart KNOWS they want to be better. Heal. Grow. They INTEND to be their best and they are fighting for it......and would do so with or without me in their world. It quiets my mind (or fears) because they aren't looking for me as a 'savior' or to do it for them. Or to structure them to death to help them. They take accountability for themselves, and do not ask me or others to do it for them (not speaking of support or encouragement).

In short, it can be done in relationship. I would go so far as to say a lot of the heavy stuff MUST be done in relationship because vulnerability, surrender, uncomfortably happens at its deepest levels within relationships and often the deepest rooted weeds need to be pulled from that space.
But it takes two people willing to face those weeds as the thing to conquer and NOT you or I against one another because of the challenge that weed poses.

Unfortunately, too many focus on the latter. They say things like, "That's not mine to delay with." Or, "Get back to me once you've rectified that fear."

What they are honestly saying is they do not want to partner with you and hold space for you while you navigate your shadow self. Which is their right.
But don't dangle the carrot like you are somehow damaged goods unless you heal this or that. That's gaslighting. And dishonest. Like somehow if you are "better" then you are acceptable.
Because there will ALWAYS be something to navigate. And you certainly don't need a fair-weathered partner. The point of an intentional connection is knowing damn well that it's going to get ugly at times.....and you find beauty in one anothers struggle enough to partner with them and overcome them TOGETHER.

Sincerely hope this offers some clarity.


YOU are ALWAYS welcome to ask anything you like.

6 months ago
Bunnie - Thank you 🙏
6 months ago
Literate Lycan​(dom male) - Excellent blog, good sir.

I hope you don’t mind my chiming in on your response to Bunnie: I would say the right person can weather the storm and both parties grow better within the dynamic. If the Dominant and submissive are absolutely transparent and honest with one another (basically best friends on all levels) then I believe the submissive can be with the Dominant through thick and through thin, and grow even stronger together for it. As DD indicated, it’s about saving space - providing safe space. That’s what we do in this choice of lifestyle: Provide a safe space for our partner (whether Dominant or submissive) to grow into who they are supposed to be, and growth sometimes requires the past to be torn down (like building muscle, you need to tear the old for new to grow so to speak). We all fall down. Getting up again knowing we may fall again is hard. Having someone at our side who doesn’t judge us and maybe even respects us for continuing to rise is important.
6 months ago
Bunnie - And thank you also, @Literate Lycan 🙏
6 months ago
DaddyDrago{LilAmethys} - 'Having someone at our side who doesn’t judge us and maybe even respects us for continuing to rise is important.'


I envy people who can succinctly put into words with a few sentences what takes me a novel!!! 😂
You Sir are good at it!!

Thank you for your lens. It is always most welcome. It helps all of us gain some further clarity! 🙏
6 months ago
Vacquero one​(dom male) - “it isn’t that as Dominants we won’t struggle. Or we haven’t or won’t fail. It’s when we do, we learn to better ourselves and rise above them.”

What I have taken away from life long before I have stumbled across the lifestyle. It literally saved myself a d my soul….

When this is applied to our One submissive,
And she sees this in us and allows forgiveness to us for not beingPerfect for her…..

I could go on and on and on but this truly is what so many are all about.

Submissives , find this guy!!! Find Him and hold Him to this!! They exist but need to be seen and need someone strong to join them in their journey.

Thank you man for showing your writing with us. You are a true piece of light in the sometimes dark world.
May you have rays of light in your world as Britt as you are in ours also.

“…and he stood there amazed.”


6 months ago
Vacquero one​(dom male) - Early morning, eyes aren’t what they used to be. LOL.
6 months ago
DaddyDrago{LilAmethys} - I know that all too well!!!
6 months ago

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