If only a muther fucker was.
by: L.Stone
If only the MF had been real…
The lines I’d let him cross, lengths I would have let him go to.
All the miles I would have let him take from every inch of me
I could have forgiven anything he ever could say or do.
If only the MF had been real..
The lengths I would have let him take me to.
Cross countless miles to run my hand over mere inches of skin.
Would have let him say, do anything, while inside of me.
If only the MF had been real….
My heart wouldn’t be broke, my bed cold and my box empty
I wouldn’t be lost if twisted in his knots his rope around my throat
Clouds of fear and doubt, he had the words to melt them away
If only the MF had been real…
Endless silliness just to hear his laughter ringing in my ear.
Log countless hrs, loading packs, jumping from planes, swinging axes, and power washing.
Untangled cords, kept up with and track of tink tinks toys, his shit and all that he forgets.
Would have ripped the heart from my own chest just to quiet the voices plaguing his head.
If only the MF had been real……
I wouldnt be fucking confused about who these scars really belong to.
I would be able to see clearly, the man that shifted great change in me.
I would know who I hurt for, cried for and missed, if he had really exist .