Depending on the day I’m having, my thoughts will point to good day, meh day, or thumbs down douchbagery day. I’ve put out my feelings, and then I change them with no one the wiser. I change it often when emotion hits me.
Then I thought 💡I should create a blog? The blog from newbie sun, expressing all the little things in her heart, but obviously with anonymous people, so here I am. Lol no perfect grammar needed, YES! I write how I talk.
Dude, apparently big beards are in. I wish I liked them. I like them trimmed up short. What is it about the beards that gives them a round in the rotation of popular? What gives the clean shaven get their day in the sun? It’s kind of like style of clothes, what gave certain designs the permanent position in the rotation? We mere humans may never know, but in case, if you do, drop the tea. Do you have a favorite?