little one sun

Michigan, United States
About me
***Profile has been updated aaaagain

Gonna take a break from people in general. Check my blog for where my mindset is at. Not the greatest of places atm, but hopeful. Going to try to fly under the radar for the foreseeable future; need to process a lot of different emotions/things going on. I will still post blogs. As I mentioned to someone, it could be therapeutic. Hopefully in this safe space, there won’t be too much judgment going on.

Check out my blog.
The blog from newbie sun, expressing and pondering all the little things (the good and the bad) in her submissive heart, random stuff in her brain, emotional haywire, and stories with anonymous wondrous people. Some not so wonderful because, hey, we need those stories to know when we got something good.

Mini rant: Ppl drive me crazy, jebus, can you just be decent human beings? Hateful and mean doesn’t look good on anyone.
BDSM and me
It’s complicated
Ask and I will copy and paste my BDSM list from “into” all the way to “absolutely not”
What's new
Update date
Jun 22, 2023
Member since
Apr 20, 2023
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