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lambsone's thoughts

Just things I think about or feel from time to time either from experience or observation.
4 months ago. May 25, 2024 at 6:10 PM

In 2018 I found a poem on Memorial Day by Longfellow. It inspired me to write one of my own. Below is the Longfellow poem and mine follows it. I've included the words in case they aren't clear due to the background.




Memorial Day Remembrance

by Melanie T. Campbell 2018


Ye who sleep beneath the sod,

Whose footsteps on the Earth did trod,

Whose arms held loved ones close and dear,

And never had known a day of fear.


You took up arms to end the strife,

And ran towards the fray in risk of your life,

Courage was lacking but duty called,

You answered in order to give your all.


And give you did on that fateful day,

You danced in the theater as if in a play,

Around you death reigned, but you pressed on,

Dodging stubborn bullets and pesky bombs.


You saw your comrades fall at your side,

But there was no time to mourn the passing tide,

Onward you pressed, a deadly job to perform,

And so you advanced far into the storm.


And then in a moment, with a burst of sound,

Your body lay prostrate on the hard ground,

Nothing was left but to end your rounds,

For you were the comrade that had gone down.


Never again will you walk through death's door,

For your mission has ended, you helped even the score,

Against those who seek to tear, shred, and core,

Anyone they encounter and refuse to adore.


Rest peacefully Dear Soldier,

For your duty has won,

Freedom for all who are grateful,

For your job well done.

Spanks hard​(dom male){Looking } - To all whom served our nation and protected our country often giving their lives others came back from battle forever changed from their ordeals. You will be in my prayers.
4 months ago
lambsone{countrySir} - Yes, definitely. I was fortunate, my family members came back, but it was excruciating for the families who lost theirs.
4 months ago
Spanks hard​(dom male){Looking } - I can not pretend to know what military life is like and I will not pretend to. Each member of the military can give examples of the horror that they have faced. I have kicked my butt for not being able to stand with my fellow Americans who served our nation and gave their own lives for the freedom of us all.
4 months ago
lambsone{countrySir} - I wish I also had been able to serve, but my back operation at 15 made me 4F (the rating at the time). I would have gone into the Navy.
4 months ago
Ingénue{VK} - I prefer "Dulce Et Decorum Est" by Wilfred Owen.
4 months ago
lambsone{countrySir} - I have never heard of that one. It certainly describes the ugliness of war, but also the dedication and tenacity of those who become soldiers.
4 months ago

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