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lambsone's thoughts

Just things I think about or feel from time to time either from experience or observation.
4 months ago. June 1, 2024 at 12:29 PM

Someday there will be:

A man who belongs only to me and I to him.

A man who I can treasure with all of my heart without reason for regret.

A man who has eyes and interest for me and no one else.

A man who I can feel safe in all ways with and he with me.

A man who is able and interested in understanding me and I him.

A man who loves deeply and leads me in the understanding of how to love deeply in return.

A man who wants to travel life with me by his side.

A man who has expressions he uses only for me and no one else.

A man who flirts only with me and only allows flirtation towards him from me.

A man who loves God and leads me into a deeper relationship with Him, as he goes deeper himself.

A man who I can rely on to be consistent in his words, actions, beliefs, thoughts, and promises.

A man who cares for me and allows me to care for him.

A man whose flaws are not so blatant as to permanently hurt me but, can be forgiven because he is truly sorry for them and works hard to change them. 

A man who can forgive my flaws and lovingly lead me to correct them.

It's a tall order, but even if I never meet him in this life, I will always have the hope that I will.

flitter'fly​(sub female) - Good vibes and prayers sent Your way miss lambsone.
4 months ago
lambsone{countrySir} - Thank you.
4 months ago

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