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lambsone's thoughts

Just things I think about or feel from time to time either from experience or observation.
4 months ago. June 10, 2024 at 2:53 PM

Well I woke up to this. I'm trapped in the driveway. Luckily I have no place that I have to be until later in the week. This is the city water company digging a section of street in front of my house. It has been patched so much that it was actually becoming part of the curb. I'm surprised they noticed it. So I'm grateful that it's being fixed.

For months now the gas company has been replacing the lines and meters in our neighborhood and that necessitated digging up the sidewalks on some properties. But the replacements are beautiful. 

I live in the neighborhood that I originally grew up in so it's an older neighborhood and many sidewalks were in bad shape. I never thought the city would ever replace them but I lived to see it happen. Yay!

They have delayed replacing my sidewalk and those connected to mine because of having to grind up tree roots from my very mature River Birch tree in the front yard. And apparently the two companies decided jointly, to fix the street as well before replacing the sidewalk.

Patience and more patience are needed. I keep telling myself to focus on the beautiful end result and better curb appeal the house will have when it's time to sell.

So once both of these companies get done doing their thing, life will get back to normal.

aradialspire​(dom femme) - Congratulations on your beautiful new sidewalk (when you get it!)
4 months ago
lambsone{countrySir} - Yes I'm very excited. Thank you. I may celebrate with ice-cream.
4 months ago
Six Foot Four - Hooray for the upcoming curb appeal! The way I'd look at it is: at least they're getting the job done. There are places where you pay shocking amounts of tax and the politically connected get their road fixed and much of the rest of the area is increasingly decayed with decrepit streets. Not 'this pothole is so bad that the vehicle was evacuated and I am watching a car literally sink out of sight in front of me' bad, which I have seen in person with my disbelieving eyes, but completely unacceptable for an alleged first world nation.

I particularly like in that last picture how the dump truck and the fellow with the shovel are positioned in such a way it looks like he's got a pipe. I had to scroll back up to figure out what it actually was. :P Enjoy your ice cream once they're finished!
4 months ago
lambsone{countrySir} - Shortly after they left, someone hit one of the barrels and it flew into the wet cement and put big gouges in it. I had to get out there, get the barrel out, and smooth out the gouges with the straight edge on one of the square bottoms of the smaller cones. It happened at least 2 more times after that but the cement was dryer at the time but there are still some smaller gouges left. I'm hoping that it can be straightened out before they cover it with blacktop. It's all dry right now. Oh well, I'm glad for the fixing they did no matter what.
4 months ago
flitter'fly​(sub female) - Wow
4 months ago

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