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lambsone's thoughts

Just things I think about or feel from time to time either from experience or observation.
1 month ago. July 29, 2024 at 5:19 PM

My front yard tree thinks that Fall has arrived. It's yellowed leaves are all over the neighborhood. They've blown east up to 4 houses away. It's a River Birch and apparently not getting enough water. It's only July 29th for Pete's sake. I wonder if we'll have Winter at the end of August?


Photos below, the last one is my poor neighbor's yard to my east.


Ahhhh ..... the rain cometh.

LoveandDevotion​(sub female){Looking} - Mine's not quite as dramatic but when I was looking out my kitchen window into my backyard today I noticed yellow leaves on the ground near my trashcans and was thinking "isn't it early for that?!" too. We've had rain recently though so not sure what caused these or which tree they're from, since I didn't go outside and look closely.
1 month ago
lambsone - Yes driving around my neighborhood, I've seen some trees changing already. It's weird.
1 month ago

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