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lambsone's thoughts

Just things I think about or feel from time to time either from experience or observation.
1 month ago. August 2, 2024 at 5:17 PM

I and a Dom friend are playing a game. I take a photo and then he tries to duplicate it. Then he does the next one and I try to duplicate it.


So I was trying to duplicate his and had no nice place to lay down in the house due to too much clutter in the background. So I strategized taking it in the back seat of my car. 


I set up sun shields in my car to cover the front and all along the left side. The right side is against the house so no one can look in those windows.


So I get naked which is no small feat when you are laying down sweating with your clothes clinging to your body. And I start positioning the camera, take the photo and start to attempt to dress. Again no small feat for the same reasons.


Then I hear a man's voice saying "Hey". And a knocking on my window afterwards. I happened to see part of a head in the left side of the back window past the shade. 


I grabbed the shade to pull it closer to my body and to shield my nakedness. I moved as far left as I could to help shield me. I didn't answer him and I kept as still as possible hoping he would go away. Eventually he left and I was able to get dressed.


There are two men in my neighborhood who come around asking if I have any work for them. Even though I've told them over and over, I have no money to subsidize any one's living but my own, they persist. So it was one of those guys who came around at the most inappropriate time.


Okay don't choke yourselves laughing.

Six Foot Four - Embarrassing things happen to all of us. This was a good chuckle; thanks for sharing!
1 month ago
lambsone - You're welcome.
1 month ago

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