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lambsone's thoughts

Just things I think about or feel from time to time either from experience or observation.
1 month ago. August 9, 2024 at 12:16 AM

So here in Cleveland, Ohio and surrounding areas, we had an eventful Tuesday night. Starting around 4 pm 4 tornados decided to start wreeking havoc in different suburbs. The picture below is two miles South of me off the main street that my street runs off of. 

As I drove around Wednesday looking for a working gas pump and a place to charge my phone, I saw a lot more destruction. They say that 400,000 people were affected. And they have called in power workers from other states to help. 

In my neighborhood, some have power and some not and it's that way all over due to being connected to different power grids in the same neighborhoods. Cell phone towers are having their problems too. They estimate that it will be August 14th before those without power will be fully restored. I'm one of those.

Thankfully the Temps are mild and without humidity for the next few days. Different people and companies

are offering to help others, offering ice for free, food, etc.

But there is also the sarcastic bitching from those who seem to thrive on acting negatively towards everything as though they themselves were the sole perfect ones in the universe. Sad but true. It would be nice if they turned that energy into coming up with viable solutions. Who knows what could be discovered and used for the next disaster to strike.

Such is life at the moment in Northeast Ohio


UPDATE: Now that the assessments are in, it turns out that we had 4 tornados not 3. Plus a Macro Burst on top of that. I'm thankful that only a few branches fell out of my tree and no power. Surrounded by all this activity, it could have been so much worse for me. Just 2 miles South of me one wing of a three wing apartment building was raised completely to the ground.


LAST UPDATE: power on now on Friday Aug 9, 8:45 pm. Some areas in the neighborhood, still without.


FINAL UPDATE?: I just got an email from our electric company with an update on their progress of fixing the damages. After an evaluation by the folks who determine what type of storms you've had, they are now saying that 5 tornados touched down in Cleveland and surrounding areas in the early evening of Aug 6th, 2024. And in addition to that, we experienced straight line winds of 70-90 mph. With that being said, it is incredible that everything everywhere wasn't torn to pieces. They were all EF-1 strength thank goodness because if they had been stronger there wouldn't anything left. A ton of extra companies were called in to help, some of which had just come from other disasters without a break. I thank God for his protection and the dedication and sacrifices made of the electric workers and their families.

Susie Q{Daddy Ant} - Glad you’re safe! No power is bad but you have come thru!
1 month ago
DidiRN​(sub female) - I'm glad you're safe!!
1 month ago
GiyuuSimp​(switch female) - Wow, what size were those tornadoes 🌪️Glad you are well and ok!
1 month ago
lambsone - EF-1
1 month ago

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