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lambsone's thoughts

Just things I think about or feel from time to time either from experience or observation.
1 week ago. September 9, 2024 at 10:45 PM

I had bloodwork done on Little Girl last week and got the results today. It was bad. She will take a walk on the rainbow Bridge on Wed 9-11-2024. She's 18 and has kidney failure and heart failure and thyroid issues. It's time. She's been a good kitty and now she needs her rest.

The Kinky Poet​(other male) - Sending hugs n stuff across the void
Love and light T.K.P xx
1 week ago
lambsone - Thank you friend.
1 week ago
fluffypoppet​(sub female){Protected} - She's beautiful. I'm glad you have a little more time with her and that you've been able to be part of her life. Still, I'm so very sorry.
1 week ago
lambsone - Yes, it's better emotionally to know when the end will come even though still hard to let go. Thank you.
1 week ago
Literate Lycan​(dom male) - My heart goes out to you and your little girl. My Charm was with me for 20 years. The last year I was blessed with her, she was in stages of renal failure (kidney) and the doctors taught me how to give her an IV solution daily to help. It gave me one more year of her life where she had quality of life and was happy. When she passed, she took a piece of my soul with her.
1 week ago
lambsone - She's the third one I've had to put down. Thank you for sharing.
1 week ago
dollMaker​(dom male) - I am very sorry you and Little Girl find yourselves at this place, its hard, even though its right. She’s a beautiful kitty. I hope, and pray you have the support to get through this time.
1 week ago
lambsone - Thank you. I have many friends who support me, so yes I'm covered well emotionally.
1 week ago
aPeepingMom​(sub female) - Letting go of your special fur babies is so hard, I’m sorry you have to go through it. Big hugs from me to you. 💖
1 week ago
lambsone - Thank you.
1 week ago
Sweet Ginger​(sub female){} - My cat is 14 and recently went through a scare..luckily she is doing better.

I'm so happy that you had all these years with her but I also know as a pet parent it's never enough..she's a beautiful cat and lucky to have a caring loving companion all these years...

Sending hugs and prayers your way. ❤️
1 week ago
lambsone - Thank you.
1 week ago

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