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Under The Whip

A place where a humble blind service submissive can calm her mind and clear out the corners with her thoughts, opinions, stories, experiences, and tribulations.
2 days ago. October 16, 2024 at 12:31 AM

I dont even know what to truly say here. I dont want to make this first entry too long as it is just a tiny introduction to everyone.

My name is Ava. I am ninety five percent blind. Sadly this website does not offer TTS so I will have many typos for everyone to endure.

I am an artist. I paint on canvas, and also create digital art, which I might share on here from time to time.

I used to be a dancer, until I was injured.

I live with and serve two very amazing Dominants. Trust me pleasing one Dominant can be difficult, pleasing a trial but I feel I do my best in my abilities while I still grow under their guidance.

I stream on twitch, and I enjoy gaming in our spare time. I do game with my Dominants, and its nice to know I can have submissive tasks inside of a video game. Which is not easy to do when you can barely see.

I love to laugh and be goofy. I try to find humor and beauty in all situations even though I am a pessimist.

I dont like to constantly write about butterflies and sunshine. I find to many people only want to paint those stories and make their lives seem like fairytales. So while I write here, I will do my best to do so with complete honesty, and in real color. No beer goggles here.

Life is messy. Hell I am messy. Relationships are messy. So be prepared to keep with me on this journey and dive deep into my very messy mind.

It definitely needs to be decluttered.


Voldemort​(dom male) - You're very welcome here. And I love the part where you mention relationships being messy. I hate the rose colored spectacles.
And it's amazing that you can create even when not being able to see well.
I draw to relieve stress. When my mind is in turmoil. It helps keep the demons away.
I haven't had art training so you can guess about the results.
But I love doing it anyway.
2 days ago
Pleasure Box​(sub female){HoK} - Thank you. I do not like rose colored glasses either. I use my art to ease stress and I have always been creative. You dont need lessons to be an artist. I am sure your art is amazing. You should be proud of it and share it.
2 days ago
Voldemort​(dom male) - Maybe I can send you some of my pictures for your advice if you are ok with it.
2 days ago
Pleasure Box​(sub female){HoK} - I would love to see them.
2 days ago
Voldemort​(dom male) - Thank you.
2 days ago
Voldemort​(dom male) - I've sent you my most recent one.
2 days ago
Voldemort​(dom male) - Please give me your advice when you get the time to see it.
2 days ago
Pleasure Box​(sub female){HoK} - I shall go take a look. Thank you.
2 days ago
ErosRising​(dom male){Hekate} - Welcome.
2 days ago
Pleasure Box​(sub female){HoK} - Thank you
2 days ago
Max Heathen​(other male) - Welcome to the Cage. Careful of the fluids on the floor and though I highly recommend the chains, I think somebody swallowed the key... presumably by accident.
1 day ago

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