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My Submissive Heart and Soul

Embracing ... me
My Journey to finding me ...
4 years ago. May 3, 2020 at 6:10 PM

We've seen it here time and time again ... but, in all my time here, I've never seen it as bad as the other night ... MOB MENTALITY.

To be perfectly blunt ... I have been completely disturbed and disgusted by what I watched start from a flame grow into a wild fire. And everyone who participated in it ... shame on you!! You were all soooo willing to jump onto the bandwagon and fuel a fire that you had no idea about any of the details. And those who did ... you should have known to stay out of what originated as a private conversation that was then taken public.

You all egged each other on and others just blindly and willingly jumped on. And you all have the audacity to talk about integrity,  honesty or respect? Where was that the other night??? Your comments and conduct make me question the character of you all.

I've seen you blog about respect and how we need to be accepting of each other and our differences. But what I witnessed the other night became a blood bath for your pure entertainment. I watched remarks of what the target of such comments could take as emotional threats, "delivering the body to morgue" and "pissing on their grave at the funeral" and much much more. How disgusting of you all.

I dare say that if any of you were the target of what was nothing short of pure bullying, your emotional well-being would have been seriously injured by the things you all said.

We, as bloggers, CAN and SHOULD control what happens with our posts and the comments made. When you make the decision to take something public, think first of what purpose it serves and what the possible consequences of it could be. I watched people who I held respect for, because in the past, they have presented as understanding and respectful people.

Your behaviour was despicable. Actions speak louder than words. Now, when I see your blogs of showing caring and respect to each other ... they will be taken as just empty words, as I now know that it's just a smoke screen to the true colours you bared the other night.

You all have said before, private issues and conflicts should be handled and remain private, and this case was no different.

I don't believe in taking private conversations or tearing a person apart, privately or publicly. The world in general can be a cruel and judging body for us in this lifestyle. What I was witnessed the other night was a mob with nothing but vile spewing from them.

I take ownership of my behaviour, actions and mistakes. I know which way my moral compass points. I guess now we know which way those involved point.

What I witnessed was not a community I would be proud to stand with and defend.

Would you?


Class is about the dignity you carry yourself with and the level of respect you show to those around you.”


Cherry2000​(sub female) - Very well said! I was shocked at the ugliness that I saw and disgusted in the way it reared it's ugly head. I know for a fact that was started as a private conversation and that person was then accused, tried, and found guilty.... of what I am not exactly sure of. As I am sure most of those screaming for blood don't know either. Everyone just jumped on for a ride not even knowing the circumstances. That's what a blind follower does though.

The sad thing is, is that I have seen it happen before and I am sure that it will continue to happen.
4 years ago
Lilkitten​(sub female){Deepwater} - Sadly, I believe it will happen again as well 😔
4 years ago
alawey​(sub female){(OWNED BY } - Comment deleted by poster.
4 years ago
Satindragon - Comment deleted by poster.
4 years ago

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