Just a friendly reminder that Dees and eMs govern their dynamics with the consent of the esses.
Even Goreans know this. And, while I am not saying we are in effect lame ducks, we do need to remember that we need to be the kind of leader that esses Want to follow. Preferably, quality esses. So, in order to attract and keep these quality followers, we need to be quality leaders. Those of us who have served in the military have heard the phrase ... Lead by example. If we expect effort from our esses, we should expect to make a greater effort as example. If we are lazy, they will see this immediately and be quite rightfully upset that we deny them laziness.
I use myself as example ... as these thoughts were brought about by my own examination of personal health issues. Serious health issues. These issues wrecked my health and threatened my life. They caused me to almost double my weight in a few short years ... as well as forging me to retire from a rewarding career. I refused to accept that I would remain overweight and out of shape and worthless as a Master. Even if I can't work, I can lead. Since I determined to fight the hand I'd been dealt, I have lost almost 100 pounds. And in the past couple of months, instead of the 18 prescriptions I was on, I am down to an even dozen. I cannot repair the damage that Factor 5 has done, but I refuse to go out as a worthless M. For now, I am most useful as an example of determination and a font of experience and knowledge in this lifestyle.
So, to my fellow Dees and eMs I encourage you to lead by example and be the kind of person that attracts followers.