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Name' sake

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4 months ago. December 21, 2023 at 10:30 AM

Language - specifically love language, has been on my mind lately. 

It occured to me that this subject probably doesnt translate any more poignantly than in the kink world.

It was Gary Chapman who coined the idea, we all fall into certain love "styles". 

Long long ago, in a far away land . . . I was in a relationship , yes - its true.


Aaahh the rainy, lazy, summer afternoons - just laying in each others arms - basking in the beauty of a new relationship . . .


Butt  ☝️


At first I was simply enjoying how much she was enjoying me.

As time went on, as it does . . . The lights brighten a bit,  and you become more aware of the neighbors stupid dog that wont shut the fuck up . . . 

The "honeymoon phase" begins to wane.

One of said "rainy, lazy, summer afternoons", we were doing said "baskings"; when all of a sudden it occured to me "ya know, I dont really like what shes doing" .

How does one broach such a subject?

"How could one approach this tactfully?" I thought to myself.

After careful consideration, I finally said to her 

"ya know, I dont really like what you're doing"


After the ringing stopped, and the swelling went down - I regained my bearings and picked myself up off the floor and attempted to explain.

She loved gently caressing my skin. That was her love language - its not mine. 

Dont get me wrong, I do enjoy the gentle touch, the soft caress - just not like what she was doing.


Enter - Mr Chapman's languages of love, "The kink addition". 

*its not but should be


Feel free to talk quietly amoungst yourselves while I go contemplate why I wrote this . . . 

Literate Lycan​(dom male) - Honesty is honesty, but sometimes it's all in the presentation.

Years ago, one of my Chiefs told the Commodore, "This is the stupidest, fucking idea I've ever heard. Who came up with it?" I pulled said Chief aside and reminded him of tact - and that in fact it was the Commodore's idea. In the future, if he heard another stupid idea spoken by the Commodore, he approached the subject differently to convey that perhaps the idea wasn't the best, and allow the Commodore the chance to change based upon supportive criticism. Not being told it was the stupidest, fucking idea.
4 months ago
Jack in the box -
Bad faux pas, eh? Lol
4 months ago
GiannaRay​(sub female) - My love language is physical touch so I’d def need to be with someone who loves to be touched lol
4 months ago
Jack in the box -
Mine is "you've been a very VERY bad girl!"
For some reason, that category was left out - idk why.

4 months ago
body electric - I think my love language is to nurture and take care for someone. To be a resource and be helpful. And I think deep down that's what I would want to return. Someone who pays attention to the details enough to respond back in the same manner.. and if I were to apply that in a BDSM situation, then it would be as such that.. my dominant understands even the small things of what I need, want, desire.. nothing goes unnoticed. Careful thought and consideration in both pleasure and pain.
4 months ago
Jack in the box -
Ahhh, but this is the crux, isnt it Ms Electric?
suppose his love language is different?
what then?
of course, what you desire is what should be - but this is exactly my point
Understanding that each individual has their own way of showing love
4 months ago
body electric - Absolutely. And to further what you're saying here, I had a guy express to me that his love language was touching.. and I felt as if I couldn't fully give him what he may need all the time because he's a very clingy type of affectionate person. He doesn't just want touch, he wants to be up under you 24/7. And that does not work for me. And that told me in itself, it wouldn't work.. great guy but I just can't do super clingy
4 months ago
Jack in the box -
Case in point, yes - I totally understand that
4 months ago

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