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My Very Own Jeremiad

Random thoughts...pieces of me that pertain to nothing and anything. Yoda I am not, but yes I wish.
4 years ago. September 24, 2019 at 3:21 AM

I’m still not ready to come out of my self induced exile, but maybe its groundhog day and I just need to feel the sun on my face for a moment, but regardless I will run back in where its safe.  There has been a ton on my mind, but I just haven’t felt like putting it out here into the ether.  I am still exploring, trying to find my place, hopefully figuring out who I am, if only a little bit along the way.
Still surprised by those who seem to have figured it out, have found their way, and especially awed by those who have found their person and/or people.  I thought by now I’d have a path, definitely not a clear one, but at least some dots scattered about on trees or rocks, so I have some guidance when feeling lost.  No, I’m not lost.  I always know where I am.  I may not know where I’m headed, I’m headed somewhere (destination unknown), but I hate feeling lost. 
That overwhelming feeling that tends to feel like an ice ray, freezing me in place. Unsure of what to do next, where to start, and just wanting it to begin and end at the same time, to do something.  It’s so tempting to make a decision, any decision just to have some movement. There is a fine line of not making a decision (which is a decision in itself) and weighing everything out prolonging the process.  Then there is always the option to simply make a decision without thought, trust one’s gut and go forth and conquer. 
At the current moment in time, I’m doing all of the above at the same time, so I’m starting to spiral a bit. Therefore I retreat to the safety of my burrow.  Succumbing to the rabbit hole is not an option.  As usual Alice can have the damn place, I want no part of that!  So here I am, fortified, and backing up, back into my world.   

ulfhednar - Been there its not a bad thing to just slow down good read btw anyways its always good when you feel lost or over whelmed by life to just grab a safr spot to breath just come out when your ready never let anyone or anything force you out of your own comfort dance especially your self take it slow youll find your rythm eventually all it takes is time
4 years ago
TheAnt​(dom male) - WJ,
I agree with ev. It is wonderful to find your partner(s) for your dynamic. But rushing it will cause more pain than the pay off.. I realize some might raise an eyebrow at Kitty and my seemingly fast track from distant to local in less than 6 months, but we "clicked"... solidly. We had no incompatibilities, full acceptance of each others flaws (I have all the flaws, she none) and we are made for each other. The only "issue" was my need to accept her age as comparable to mine which meant I had to do a deep dive into my personality and see if I was ok with the age gap and in the end, it's wonderful. So, despite my wander (SQUIRREL!) I want to be sure that I make the statement that wandering is the state of finding oneself. Wander about, observe, learn, play at the tasting parties at the local BDSM club if you can find one, and then find that "left slash" to your dynamic that matches you so perfectly. Once you know yourself, finding that partner will be the fun part.
4 years ago
Angel Wings​(sub female) - If you retreat how can you find? Yes slow and steady can win the race,but you have to be in the race..Keep moving forward along your path taking breaks here and there. looking and listening and perhaps stopping every now and then to meet someone new.
4 years ago

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