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Thoughts of a sub whose seen too much in her young life.
4 years ago. August 16, 2019 at 1:42 AM

For most thinking is a normal thing. Never get to caught up into the what if's or what could be. The should've, could've, would've type deal. But lately that's all I can think about. I have bad anxiety and sometimes it can keep me up at night. Literally just asking the what if. 


Well now as I am laying in bed for the night I'm wondering what if I left the cage for a little while. Maybe I should leave all together. Maybe I should stay and continue to do my search. But than I think what if I leave and never find what I am looking for or what I crave the most.


Life can be interesting to say the least. Things get jumbled up. Things don't happen the way you thought they should. Things fall apart without you understanding why. Yet here I stand after having gone through everything I have and wondering what if.

Little moon​(sub female){Not lookin} - What if they have been leading you to exactly where you need to be and this is right where you belong? There is no right or wrong answer here dear heart, it comes down to a choice you’ve always had🤗❤️
I am a firm believer that even if you left the cage you would still find what you want and what you’re looking for, or it would find you😉🌈🦋 it takes time time and more time, but there are a few things you can do to speed things along. Take utmost care of yourself, reach out when you’re feeling troubles or unhappy. Eat well, rest enough and get in some moderate exercise. These are just examples of a few🎈🌈😊🧸
4 years ago
Finished​(switch female) - Nighttime is always a ‘what if’ time... I find writing can help get it out of my head, at least for a time....
4 years ago

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