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A Demi in Isolation

Whimsical thoughts. Never wrong and never right. Not an artist or a writer by any stretch of the imagination. I am just, me. I have stopped questioning it.
3 years ago. July 18, 2021 at 9:10 PM

It is what is looks like. 


I am no longer in a LDR that talked about moving across the world to be together. That talked about forever and working through anything.


The animosity of arguments claims another relationship that could have flourished. I am glad it ended when it did. I am not pleased how, go figure. 


I would not have thought, before coming to BDSM, that it would be difficult to find someone who understood, or at least wanted to. I figured it would be a place where people knew more about themselves than in the vanilla world. That they put the time in to being better, not just for finding validation. 


I am still sure those people are out there. I just feel like there is a lot more insecurity to navigate in this arena than maybe there would have been in the Vanilla world. 


I won't go too into detail with anyone about my newly ended relationship. I had a good friend for a long time. I would not choose this outcome, yet, I know it is for the best for us both. I only wish I knew how to figure out, much sooner, how to tell if someone is decisive or not, insecure or not, or a victim in their own mind or not. These things aren't becoming a better person, they are just justifying an inability to be better. 


I can always work on myself, but finding someone as equally passionate about themselves, is proving to be difficult, and painful. I am going to miss his personality. I like that personality. He truly is a rare person. 

WhatamIfightingfor​(dom male) - I am sorry to hear it fell apart between both of you.
3 years ago
MelMell​(dom female) - That is truly unfortunate that things ended. I’m not one for words of comfort but encouragement. Keep going. Take time to heal and analyze everything you learned from that relationship and use it to make the next one and the next one and however many it takes until the right person is found. I know this is probably not what you want to hear but it will keep you going. It’s what keeps me going every day. The knowledge that somewhere out there in this world there’s someone that will feel the same way as I do. Someone that complements me where I am lacking because we are all lacking. And being in the bdsm community really doesn’t make us better than in the vanilla world. We still have the same fears and insecurities.
3 years ago
OraclePollon​(sub female){NotYours} - You are right. And it is the right thing to say.
3 years ago
MelMell​(dom female) - Thank god you think so. Most think I’m weird because instead of saying “I’m sorry” I go more for encouragement since it’s what makes me feel better. But not everyone is as weird as me it seems 😒🙄
3 years ago
WhatamIfightingfor​(dom male) - Honesty is key, self honesty too. I have found that no matter the community, the lost are out there.
3 years ago
Sensual City Girl{ForeverHIS} - Although, this is for the best, I am deeply saddened. Recently I saw a meme that said something to the effect that people come in and out of our lives for a reason and for a season, whether good or bad from them, we learn and grow, even through the pain. You are a beautiful strong woman. Don’t give up hope, you will find your one. Hugs 🤗
3 years ago
OraclePollon​(sub female){NotYours} - I couldn't agree more. <3
3 years ago
RedKat{Not now } - I am sorry and I think a lot of us have experienced this. I never knew that it would be so hard to find that special someone, that “gets” me...but it damn sure is. Hugs to you and take care of yourself...
3 years ago
OraclePollon​(sub female){NotYours} - Luckily I get me in the meantime. XoXo. I will , thank you.
3 years ago
Cressida Clytie​(masochist female){Taken} - So sorry for what happened OP. Sending hugs
3 years ago
Grey Eyes​(sub female){Owned} - I'm so very sorry to hear this OP. My thoughts are with you. I know it isn't easy
3 years ago
Sweet Ginger​(sub female){} - I am so sorry to read this...break ups are difficult, no matter who ends makes you feel you failed somehow, I know that's how I felt, when I ended my relationship with my so called dom.. you will get through this, time is a the meantime, do lots of self love, whatever that means for you.

One day, someone worthy of you will come along, be will know the person is right for you because they will get you, they'll want to invest time into you, the unique person you are. Take care ❤
3 years ago
SweetSirRendering​(sub female) - isn’t it beautiful to know people like this, these experiences we have. i’m so sorry for your pain, but i’m still happy for the things you found that made you beam! your path will lead to the connection(s) you’re looking for when you’re looking again. 💖
3 years ago
Curiousmind​(sub female){Owned} - Sorry to hear , Oracle 🌷. The life brings the experiences that are valuable in any form. Keeping positive mindset is important in such circumstances. Wishing you inner peace as you move forward 🌻🦋
3 years ago

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