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Free Form Thoughts on D/s Dynamics
5 years ago. October 3, 2018 at 7:52 AM

Seems to me that while the world is chokin',

we need to stop and look 'round, figure out what's broken.

Some wannabes see Doms as having it made,

but take a close look, he's not chill in the shade.


A Domanant doesn't just sit in his tower

sayin' "Yo', check me out, I got all o' da' power!"

He get's his hands dirty, and no that's not some pun.

If his sub isn't happy, then "Sir's" job isn't done.


That Master has busted his balls, Twentyfour Seven,

Mastering the art of how to launch her to her heaven.

Walking this path is no easy task

We plan carfully man, down to the mask.


He's taxing his mind as he plays with her body,

Can she take much more, is my rope work shoddy?

If you want to be safe you can't do this on a whim.

The reason's quite clear, it's for her not for him.


Train yourself to listen to all the clues she gives,

'cause once she starts flyin' you both get to live.

For the love of the gods, power's not something you take.

If that's still what you think, then we think you're "fake".


I've said it before and I'll repeat by the hour,

Until she gives it to you, YOU AIN'T GOT NO POWER.


So be that guy, with his mind and eyes wide open,

Then you can get down to some real whippin' and roppin'

Before I close, there's one thing I forgot...

You can't force a sub to be what she's not.

MiZfiTs - Beautiful.....
5 years ago

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