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Don't Poke the Grizzly. (comments welcome, sometimes...)

This is a simple extension of my blog on another site. Simply put, it is open to everyone to read. Keep in mind you'll figure out the type of person I am fairly quickly when you get about a paragraph into it. That being said, I don't mind opinions... but because we're all adults, and I'm probably scarier than you are... if you share a shitty one with me, expect a shitty one back.
1 year ago. September 9, 2022 at 4:22 PM

So, I've pretty much shut down here for a few weeks, including breaking off contact with people that I actually enjoyed getting to know because of some things in my life. Destroyed my profile, removed my ad, and stopped writing. And while from the outside that may seem like an extreme thing to do, don't worry about me.


I received notice that my mother is having memory issues, which is mostly affecting her short-term memories, and because of that my life has changed a bit. Going from having just myself and my kids to worry about to having to care for my mother on a daily basis makes it so I don't have the time I used to in order to invest it here, or into people I'm meeting. As such, I figured it's better if I simply cut ties as I can't really leave her at the moment, and I don't want to invest time into something that I don't have the opportunity to follow up with... or at least won't for (possibly) years.


Apologies to anyone who I might have upset. All I can say is that if I can't take of my own responsibilities (my family including my aging parents) then I can't consider myself a Dom in any way, shape or form. Until these things calm down on my end, I'll be fairly absent from here. I still consider this community one of the best in the lifestyle, even if things are changing a bit to resemble more of its competition... I simply don't have time to invest right now.

Feel free to ping me and I'll try to get back to you if you're wanting to just chat... I'll sign in from time to time to read all of the blogs I enjoy and reply then.


Thank you all for your understanding,



MsDove​(sub female){Eternal Pi} - TTD, I am not anyone who you have communicated with you before, but my heart is with you.

Caring for someone with memory issues can be very aggravating. As someone with memory problems due to brain injury 20 years ago, I have an understanding from the other side. Remember your mom doesn't know what she doesn't know. She has ZERO control of that. My partner still somes thinks if I "pay attention", "listen" or "focus" that I will remember. I wish it was that simple. Never forget that she has no way knowing what she will or won't retain. For me, it's still shocking to be told of something that I have zero memory of. Often times I remember things differently than they occurred. THAT'S the worst. It took me a long time be at peace with that, I am still sometimes in complete amazment that I don't remember something. So it is both you and your mom dealing with a new strange new reality. If she is aware that she forgets, she needs to know that she can absolutely trust you to be honest with her. Please never joke about her memory problems, unless she does. Release the frustration you might have in repeating something over and over. It will help you AND her if you can. If you find yourself getting angry about repeating something you have just said, remove yourself and settle down. You remember that you have repeated something over and over. She doesn't. That memory doesn't exist for her. I can't tell you how difficult it is when someone is upset with you for something you have no memory for. It's very isolating. If she knows she is forgetting, talk about it. I know I was embarrassed and ashamed when I would forget things. Let her know its just a misfire and you believe that she doesn't remember. Being believed and accepted "as is" is very important.
If you can, find out what part of her memory is misfiring. That will help you understand how to work with her. Can she learn new things? If she is provided auditory or visual information, does it make a difference? Are here planning skills impacted? Cognitive testing can help you, and her, under how she can best function.
All this to say, go with the flow.

TTD, I have just come off 5 years of caretaking my sister and then husband. Sorry to sound preachy. But I have a unique experience of being the caretaker and the cared for.

I will top from the bottom here since you don't have your own submissive: This is an order (😉), do not loose yourself during this process. Keep something intact that is for you. Could be watching the game on Sunday, could be another activity. Stay in contact with at least one friend who cares about you.

My heart is with you. Happy to converse more if you want. Take one day at a time.
1 year ago
TexasAngel​(sub female) - This hit very close to home for me. And I just wanted to say that putting your personal life on hold for the well being of another.... to take care of and provide for them in a sense sounds like a Dom to me. I wish the best for you and your family.

Also... And I hope I'm not overstepping. A suggestion on cutting all ties... Give yourself a little time each day to reach out and connect with people if not here then somewhere. That small outlet makes a huge difference when carrying the weight you are. *hugs*
1 year ago
Grey Eyes​(sub female){Owned} - Your post moved me to comment. My heart is with you. I was a caretaker to my husband for 21 years. And my mom for part of the same time. Dementia is scary for both the person and the caretaker. Please allow yourself some time for yourself by communicating with others, not just family. Even if it is just an occasional "hi, I had a difficult day today", to "I had a great day with mom". It can be suffocating to try to shoulder the load yourself. Please feel free to message.
1 year ago

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